Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Alex’s P.O.V

I woke up to find a note on Em’s pillow instead of her.  It said.


I went to go talk about a few things with my baby daddy Chase. If I’m not back by 8:30 just go get Jordan from my moms and I should be home by then. But if I’m notdon’t panic I know Kun fu: P.

Btw you look so cute in your sleep.

Your number one girl,

Emily <3

She was too cute but to think I wouldn’t worry about the girl who I want to be with the rest of my life? She must be on some good Kush and alcohol (I love that song)

It was quarter to 9 so I got dress and headed over to her moms house.

Just thinking about it I knew something was going to happen. She told me how Chase can get when he’s angry. Not to mention that my baby mama is after her.

That’s when it all clicked in.

 Emily must have been kidnapped by Chase and Selena. It all makes perfect sense now; they both don’t want us to be together so they’ll try to do anything to stop us from being together.

15 minutes later

I arrived at her mom’s house 15 minutes later. I rushed to the front door so I could enlighten her mom on the situation.

She opened the door and saw the look on my face and knew instantly what happened.

I explain to her what I knew. She called her husband and told him the news. I told them I would find their daughter and bring her home safe and sound.

They thanked me and I left not even checking up on Jordan knowing he was in good hands.

Pulling off I headed to the one place I knew that she had to be.

Selena’s drug house.

Its not long I know but its 9:42 where I am and I’m getting really tired. Chapter 11 will be up in 2 weeks or so.

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