Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Emily’s P.O.V

It was too late to pick up Jordan so we headed back to my house and fell asleep. 

Yes we slept in the same bed wouldn’t you have if you had this sexy ass beast beside you?

It was around 4 in the morning when my phone went off.

Who in the right mind would call someone so early in the morning?

My phone screen flashed Chase I groaned and picked up.


“Emily is that you?” is this nigga a retarded  

“Yes it’s me you dumbass what do you want, its 4 in the fucking morning and I’m tryna get some sleep. To be honest I was ready to hang up.

“I need to talk to you about some things. I’m outside your house come down so we can talk please I’ll leave you alone after this.

“If it means that you’ll leave me alone fine. I’ll be down in 3 minutes.”

Before he could say anything I hung up in his face.

I wrote a note for Alex letting him know where I was in case he wakes up soon.


I went to go talk about a few things with my baby daddy Chase. If I’m not back by 8:30 just go get Jordan from my moms and I should be home by then. But if I’m not don’t panic I know kun fu :P.

Btw you look so cute in your sleep.

Your number one girl,

Emily <3

I put the note on my pillow so that he would see it as soon as he wakes up.

Grabbing the closest pair of sweat pants and Nikes I walked out the house to go see what this stupid idiot wanted.

As soon as I opened my house door something black went over my face.

I instantly passed out praying to god that me and my babies are fine and that Alex does worry and tries to find me.

Hey guys I know chapter 9 is short but I’m working on 10 right now so it will be up later I’m not sure how long it’ll be.

Thanks to everyone who followed voted and commented you guys rock!

The pictures I’ve tried to post them but something is wrong with my computer so I’ll try to get pictures out soon.

Oh before I forget you guys if you love reading my books you would totally love reading books by alyzcias.

 I just started reading her books but I’m in love with them already

So go check them out

Don’t forget to comment vote and follow me guys <3


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