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Professor coffee- a Professor who enjoys coffee. She legit drinks it all the damn time. Lesbian.

Charlotte- everyone knows this iconic lesbian. But she's also a commentator. She just basically gives me vibes of cancelling anyone on Twitter. Lmao.

Valentine- a girl who kept her words secretive until now. Also, she's straight with a passion and also a Christian.

Mrs. Nun- she got a cross impaled into her head like a tattoo for Jesus and god. She's also a nun. That's why her name is that. And she's Christian. And straight.

Mr. Hacker- the name pretty much explains it. He's a hacker that's married but he rather keep his name secretive due to his wife freaking out if she found out. And yes. He's straight.

Jessica- I made this mi2 oc in like 2020. But she was rich. That's all I remember.

Dave- a guy who basically just gets scared over every death he sees. He only trusts the people he knows. He's also straight.

That's all the ocs and head canons I have for each one of them. I'm positive I made another one. And most of these Ocs were never introduced but I wanted to include them in this.

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