Chapter 1: Charlie

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This is the second in a four part series (Four's Company | Five's a Crowd Is Six too Many? Six is Plenty) that focuses on the intertwining lives of six loveable main characters, four of whom hail from the Marvel Universe. 

Charlie groaned, a deep, gravelly noise from low in his chest.

"Sweetheart?" A soft voice called from the other side of the bed.

Charlie, all five foot ten of him, was sprawled across the king size bed, in one of the nicest hotels in the city.

He liked to think of himself as relatively slim, but well defined. He wouldn't define himself as having hard edges, at least not anymore. He'd gotten a little softer as he got older, chiseled muscles becoming soft lines, but he still liked his body and he'd never gotten any complaints about it.

His hair was in its usual short cut, slight curls forming in his dark brown, almost black hair. He got this from his mother, who was a gorgeous Desi woman with the thickest, most beautiful hair he'd ever seen. She was always quick to remind Charlie where he got his good looks from, and not just his hair. They both had strong brows and full lips, but he got his sharp jaw from his father.

He didn't want to think about his mother right now though. He bit his lip and let his head fall back against the pillow.

"Charles..." the voice was soft and luxurious now, like dripping honey. It wrapped itself around Charlie, stroking the tension out of his body and leaving him sighing.

Steve, the owner of that sweet voice, was also the owner of an incredible physique. He was six foot, with broad and muscular shoulders, tapering down to a slim waist and an amazing ass. He had sandy blond hair, cut semi-short but with a little fluff in the front. His eyes were a brilliant blue, and they were currently locked on Charlie.

They were still relatively new lovers. New enough that they were still constantly surprising each other in bed. They were just well enough acquainted with each other's bodies that there was ease in their touch, comfort in the familiarity and the promise of ensured pleasure whenever they came together.

They didn't come together as often as other lovers perhaps, since they were just two members of a polyfidelitous quad. They were dating each other, and they also both had boyfriends, Steve had Bucky and Charlie had Nicky. Bucky and Nicky had also chosen the boyfriend title for each other some months back, as their relationship developed and flourished. Steve and Nicky, and Bucky and Charlie were moving a little slower with their relationships. There was no rush, they had only just moved in together a month ago and they were still exploring the ways in which their quad melded together.

Steve and Charlie were away on a business trip right now, a trip Charlie had really been looking forward to. Bucky and Nicky were away on their own trip at the moment. It was a well deserved trip to the coast which, if the photos they were inundating the group chat with were any measure, was crisp but gorgeous in the late February weather.

This was supposed to be the first time they were going to make love alone. It wasn't that big of a deal. They'd made love and fucked, depending on the mood of the night, many times since they had all moved in together. The four of them had just always been all together. That was a rule Steve had asked for in the beginning, when they had been new to polyamory. Nicky and Charlie weren't quite as new to polyamory, Nicky being the most experienced of the bunch. However, their prior experience with polyamory had been traumatic, leaving them both with scars they had unearthed when they got together with Bucky and Steve. All that being said, Charlie had been very willing to abide by Steve's request, but it was definitely time for them to have some alone time.

Five's a Crowd | Stucky / Marvel Polyamorous LGBT RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now