Chapter 16: Loki | Bucky

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The gentle brush of fingers on the sensitive skin of his face woke Loki the next morning. Loki slowly blinked awake to find Nicky ever so gently stroking his first two fingers down Loki's cheek.

Loki reached up sleepily and took hold of his hand, rubbing inquiring circles into the palm of Nicky's hand with his thumb.

"Good morning," Loki's voice came out hoarse with sleep, but it made Nicky smile.


Nicky was lying with his head resting on Loki's shoulder. He was still stroking his face, and that arm was braced on Loki's sternum while his legs tangled with Loki's.

"So where are you taking me for our date tonight?" Nicky purred, his breath sliding down Loki's neck and under the loose neck of his sleep shirt.

"I haven't the foggiest, seeing as how I've been conscious for maybe 30 seconds." Loki tried to blink himself awake, but sleep was clawing at him like a feral cat.

Nicky pouted, which made Loki pinch his side. He let out an indignant yelp and Bucky stirred on Loki's other side.

Bucky was curled up with his back pressed all along Loki's side. He reached out a tentative hand to rest on Bucky's flank, causing him to groan and roll over, and suddenly Loki had both men in his arms, their heads on his chest.

Quite a way to wake up in the morning.

"Why are we awake?" Bucky groaned.

Loki was too tired to temper his words, so he let out a harumph and said "no idea. Why don't you ask your boyfriend."

"Well boyfriend? Why are we awake?"

Nicky grinned Cheshire like. "Because I want to know where Loki is taking me on our first date."

"Awwwww," Bucky said, his elongated consonants turning into a yawn. "How adorable. How about you discuss this at length in approximately two to three hours." Bucky placed his hand directly over Nicky's face.

Nicky attempted to bite Bucky and a tussle ensued, all taking place on top of a very bedraggled Loki. He managed to break them apart by grabbing onto their shoulders and pushing them apart. By then, of course, they were all well on their way to waking and the battle for sleep seemed to be lost.

"Alright, Nicky. Would you like to stay in or go out somewhere? Are you guys eating outdoors at restaurants?" Loki asked eventually.

"We've done it once or twice, but we usually just get take out or when it's really nice we eat in parks."

Bucky slowly crawled his way out of bed and said he was going to take a shower and someone had better make him coffee.

Loki looked pointedly at Nicky. "Well?"

"We can stay in if you want," Nicky said, nuzzling into Loki's chest.

"That's not what I meant! I'm definitely not going to make him coffee, I don't even know how."

"Well what a fabulous learning opportunity this is for you."

Loki let out a growl and managed to wrestle them both into a sitting position. Nicky pouted again and at this point so did Loki. He glanced at the clock and saw it was only six and he very nearly collapsed on the spot. Bucky had asked for coffee though, and he did want to get it for him.

After some more wrangling, the two of them made it into the kitchen.

Nicky actually did show Loki how to work both the coffee machine and the espresso machine. After that, he folded himself back into Loki's arms so it wasn't a totally bad experience. As the coffee maker spluttered out its last few drops, Charlie walked by in running clothes. He nearly did a double take as he passed the door to the kitchen. "You're up early...everything alright?"

Five's a Crowd | Stucky / Marvel Polyamorous LGBT RomanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora