Chapter 13: Loki | Charlie

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For Loki, the week continued in much the same manner as it had begun. He went for a very slow run with Charlie on Tuesday morning and lifted weights with Steve on Wednesday. Steve admitted he wasn't an expert at all, but he did know a few workouts specifically designed to keep muscles lean, but still allow for strength. Loki found he actually enjoyed using his body for something other than just existing.

He had a fair amount of work to catch up on, so he took turns working at the kitchen table, on the couch, and on the balcony in the sun. Even though the others all had their own desks, they would periodically come out and work alongside Loki, chatting and eating lunch together, or making coffee and snacks.

He went on a lot of walks with Bucky, winding through the neighborhoods and mapping out all of the coffee shops and quaint little stores Bucky admitted he'd never really looked for before.

"Do you have a final list of places you want to look at once your bank account opens again?" Bucky asked on their walk on Thursday.

"I have! I have about six places I want to look at, all within walking distance of-... all these great coffee shops and stores." He had been about to say "you" but he still hadn't told them that he was basing his radius off of them.

Bucky's eyes widened. "Wow, that seems like a really solid number! When Steve and I got our first place together we only looked at two places and just chose one. That's really exciting! It sounds like you'll definitely find something. would be really great to have you so close by. We'd have to work through Covid protocols obviously, but I think we could totally create a bubble together if...that's something you were interested in."

Loki had to stifle a laugh. "Well, seeing as how you guys are literally my only friends on this side of town...I know a few people in the city, but turns out they live pretty far from here and have virtually locked down their lives for Covid. I probably won't see them for a while now so...I think I could probably control myself and, you know, not galavant through town licking doorknobs, so that I could still see you guys. "

Bucky laughed boisterously at that. Loki had found over the past week that he and Bucky had a similar sense of humor. A little dry, a little mischievous, and he collected these moments of laughter in his pocket, like bottle caps or trading cards.

"I am so sorry to deprive you of all those doorknobs...or maybe I'm depriving the doorknobs of you?"

"Well I have been commended on my licking abilities," he said off the cuff, freezing and immediately turning an aggressive shade of red as he realized what he had just said.

Bucky's eyebrows shot towards his hairline and then he got a devious look.

"Is that so..." Bucky said as he leaned towards Loki.

Loki was so thrown off and inundated with embarrassment he didn't realize what was happening until Bucky was an inch away from his face, as if he might be about to lick Loki. A short breath escaped Loki's lips and then Bucky dove on him, tickling him to within an inch of his life.

Loki gasped and begged for mercy until finally Bucky relented.

They collapsed against each other on the bench they were sitting on and Bucky slid an apologetic arm around his waist and pulled him against his side.

Nicky had warmed up to Loki immediately, back in that hotel room, but Bucky had taken a little more time. Once he had though, he was just as touchy, if not even more so, than Nicky. He would put a hand on Loki's shoulder when passing him at the table, or guide him around the kitchen with a hand on his elbow, or sometimes his lower back. Steve and Charlie were much more reserved, even with the other two men. Steve seemed to prefer a hand on the leg or arm, and Charlie liked to place his hand on the others' hands, wherever they rested. Loki had only experienced those small moments with them a few times, but he cherished each of them.

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