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Giovanni De Luca

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Giovanni De Luca

Four years ago...

I never much cared for liking girls. I wasn't gay or anything like that and there is nothing wrong with that either. But girls just didn't appeal to me like to other boys. I've seen them as equals like my mother taught me. Whilst everyone else saw them as targets.

Still as I sit in the front of the classroom because of assigned seating. I begin to realize something, as I watch some of my class mates walk in and take there seats.

I hate this fucking school.

I know, I know. Every kid says that but I really do hate it. Even though I was good at school and got good grades and played sports and such. I couldn't stand anyone at school.

The kids. Hate them. The teachers. Hate them. Even the principal. Hate him too. They were all kiss asses just because of my family and our money. I'm only 14 and I only have 2 friends. One of them I'm related too. But I'm not complaining. I prefer it that anyway.

It's October now and I was ready for summer already. Or at least go back home after school to be more realistic. Before we have to come back tomorrow.

The second bell rings and Mr. Milat comes to the center of the room. "Good Morning everyone! So today we are going to-" Mr. Milat begins to say until someone enters the room.

We all turn our heads towards the door to see someone none of us recognize.

A girl walks in. She had long, black braids going down the mid of her back. Her dark brown, mono-lid eyes scanning the room hesitatingly as she makes her way into the room more. She was very small. But everyone looked small to me since I was taller then most, being 5'11. The blue sports dress looked pretty against her dark brown skin.

She was...


"Well hello." Mr. Milat greets the girl. "And who might you be?" He shakes her hand with a big smile but she looks uncomfortable.

"Uh. I'm Alizée. I'm new here and Mr. Garber said this was my first period." She explains almost quietly, showing him something on her phone.

Alizée. Her name was pretty like she was.

When Mr. Milat is done with her phone he turns to us. "Well then. Everyone this is Ms. Alizée Sauveterre. Ms Sauvetrre, I am Mr. Milat. Welcome to 9th grade Algebra. Go ahead and introduce yourself." He basically pushes her into the middle the room. Her face of discomfort never expelled from her face as everyone stares back at her.

She clears her throat. "Well y'all already know my name so there ain't no reason to repeat it. So I guess I'll answer questions if y'all got some." She shrugged. They way she talked was weird. She kinda talk fast with her words, but I liked it.

"Where are you from 'cause you don't sound like you're from here.?" Derek shouts out standing up from his seat.

Derek was the one of the 2 friends I have. His dad worked with mine and we were both on the football team together. He was kinda loud and over exaggerated everything but he was still a good friend.

"I'm from New Orleans, Louisiana." She answered crossing her arms and shifting her stance.

"How old are you?"Another voice shouts.

"Just tun 15 a week ago."

"What's your race?" A boy asked next. Don't know his name.

"I'm African American and Nigerian-French. My Mama is Louisiana Creole and my Papa is Nigerian and from France ."Alizée shared pridefully as she pulled her jacket closer to her. She must have been cold.

"Is this your first time in New York?" Lexi scoffs looking Alizée up and down. What was her problem?

"I've been to New York before to visit, but now I live here." Alizée answered but this time likes she was annoyed.

"What do your parents do? Because this school is full of rich kids." Another kid asks. I don't know their name either.

"My Papa is an investor in trading and selling goods. And my Mama is a business advisor." She answered again.

As the class continues to ask her questions about her life and for some reason her hair I couldn't stop, I guess admiring her for lack of a better word. She was really pretty and confident when she talked. I liked her style too. Usually when the girls wore dresses here they wore flats but she was wearing blue Air Jordan 1s that matched her dress.

"Ok. That's enough questions everyone. Alizée you can take that seat right there next to Mr. De Luca." Mr. Milat points to the desk next to mine on the right.

Alizée looks towards me and we made eye contact. I didn't know what to do so I looked away feeling my face heat up from it. She sits down in the seat taking her backpack off.

"Hey. I know your last name is De Luca and by the way is a cool last name. But what's your first?" She questions me.

I turn to look at her and she's smiling. She didn't smile when she was answering the questions but she smiled at me. Her smile was big and bright. Showing her straight white teeth and dimples on both sides.

I tried to speak but I couldn't even remember my name. After a second passed she leaned closer to look at my notebook. I stiffened in my seat nervously clasping my hands together like I was praying; but she smelled really good. She smelled like sweet vanilla.

"Gi-o-van-na?" She she breaks down my name from my notebook. She pronounced it wrong. "G-o-van-ni?" She brakes it down again but better this time, looking at me. I nodded. "Giovanni. I like that name too. Sorry i got it wrong but your handwriting is kinda bad." She beams at me and I just simply nodded.

I couldn't believe it. For the first time I couldn't think of what to say. Papa always said I had a smart mouth but not in this moment. If it was anyone else I would have no problems but her. She was different. When she was writing her notes I noticed something on her neck. It was a tattoo. It looked like a heart line you would see at the hospital. And under it were the letters A.A.S.

I wanted to ask her about it but I feel she's had enough questions for the period and since she will probably have to answer a bunch of questions for 5 more classes.

I notice myself taking more glimpse of her. Hoping she'll talk again. Maybe I'll have a better chance of talking if she talks again.

"Hey. Is this right?" She leans in and ask me. Showing the equation on her work sheet.

"Y-" I almost said it. But it got caught in my throat. It was just one word. I couldn't even say one word.

I nodded.

She nodded as well then moved back to her seat.

This is where my middle started.

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