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Alizée Suveterre

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Alizée Suveterre

I moved the dagger from his neck and try to let go of his shirt but my nail got caught in it. Just great. I rip my hand off breaking my nail in the process.

"Fuck." I groaned looking at my nail. I just got this set.

He turns around and looks directly at me. But my eyes wonder to his neck. The red mark showcases my blade placement on his tan skinned. And for the first time. I actually felt... bad.

"What are you doing here?" Giovanni asks me with a slight hoarse voice. Rubbing his neck with his left hand and his right going around to his back.

Even though the lights are irritatingly dim. He still is able to look so good. His muscles bulging from his black long sleeve. Sharped jaw shown from his head moving side to side. Adam's apple showing. Black loose curly strands fall to his forehead when he puts his head down.

"Now look who's talking."

I snap myself out of his hypnosis. "Oo, I'm sorry." I reach to look at his neck. And to my surprise he lets me. His skin warm to my touch. I lift his head up and move it around to look at it better. Damn. I may have pushed it a little to hard. "If I knew it was you, I would of just army pull your arm." I joked. Giving a small "I'm sorry" smile. He return his own "It's okay" smile then repeats his question again.

"Uh, well, uh-" trailing off, racking my brain around to find a lie to cover myself up. "Don't lie to me. You literally just put a knife to my neck about drugs and money." Giovanni more then less suggested. Before I answered with truth; something dawned on me.

"Wait a min-it. What the hell are you doing here? Hm."

His eyes widen then he smirked at me. Why the hell is he smirking right now. Ugh this whole back and forth between us right now is starting to get tiring.

"Stealing drugs too, I guess." He answered. Playfully shrugging his shoulders.

I felt my head cock back a little and my eyes narrow. He actually told the truth. "You know what." He puts his hands up, waving them. "We don't even have to tell each other. Let's just go find it together." He starts walking away and I follow behind him.

We walk down the hallway for what seemed like forever until Giovanni eventually stopped making me run right into his back. "Jésus, es-tu putain fait de pierre? Pourquoi vous êtes-vous arrêté?" He turns to look at me. Confusion and amusement written on his face. And I remember he doesn't speak French.

(Jesus, are you fucking made of stone. Why did you stop?)

"I'm sorry. But I don't understand you Alizée." His smirk comes back. The smug look on his face makes me want to just slap it off him. And I don't like the way I felt when he said my name. Can't describe the feeling.

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