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If Alcina could have gone deaf, she told herself this would be the moment she wished for it to happen. "--And how dare you let something happen to her?!! You should---" Yeah, this was her life now, Mother Miranda's personal punching bag for her screams.

It was quite new, Alcina needed to admit, being the favorite Cadou-failure-child Miranda made because she was one of the strongest; they did have their disagreements once in a while, but it was never yelling like this.

The bird woman did seriously look like she cared for the little maiden tho Alcina could tell it was more obsession than love, maybe the maiden was right and Mother Miranda did really care for her but Alcina was sure part of it also was just because the woman didn't like to share.

"Helicopter parent." Is what Alcina would describe this as, the adult sticking their nose in every aspect of the child's life and making choices instead of them.

For once she was not as scared of Miranda, her cold collected anger was scary, this emotional, hair pulling out ranting about her mistakes was almost pathetic coming from this woman.

"If you dare let her die your daughters will suffer the consequences Alcina." She tensed as the bird woman venomously whispered before the room was filled with an explosion of black feathers and she was gone.

Alcina gripped the armrests of her chair hard before sighing, turning her gaze to her own bed.

A bit embarrassingly she realized she could not fit easily through the doorway to the maiden's room while carrying her and the only room that actually had doors adapted to her height was her own room so she had evicted herself from her own bed, having half dropped the woman on it.

"You are really evil for stealing my bed maiden." She told the unconscious woman as she stood, kicked the feathers away, making them float up. "You better wake up now that your patron saint graced us with her presence." She said sarcastically, even having her arms crossed as if the other could have seen her.

She sighed and stepped closer.

"Be as comfortable as you can be before I kick you out, you lazy ass." She then sighed again.

She glanced at the neatly wrapped hand of the woman, the scent of whatever herb Miranda used overpowering the previous blood smell but it was still fresh in her mind.

If the maiden didn't look as white as a sheet of paper she might even have taken a sip while she was unconscious but Miranda's anger was not welcome currently, the woman had just left, she didn't want her back so soon.

From her hand, her gaze shifted to the eye patch, she wondered what it hid, it intrigued her as much as what Donna actually hid under her veil and maybe even more then. She was quite a fan getting to the bottom of mysteries, this maiden keeping hers far longer then many did... Well... Then again, she didn't know Alcina witnessed the bloody scene she was the cause off.

She sat on the corner of the bed, still observing the woman, wondering her history, she didn't even know where she came from or anything really.

"All in due time I suppose." She brushed a strand of hair out of the younger woman's face, she looked quite different from when she was awake. Somehow this relaxed face looked different from the one while awake, as it the awake relaxed look was not that at all, something else, the lack of anything. "So many mysteries, will you be honest if I were to ask or would you stay silent?" She wondered out loud because as she looked, even the multiple earrings in the maiden's ears had writing on them in a language she couldn't understand, even such a small thing of her outfit was a mystery.

She did all this in hope to forget what she saw but she couldn't, she just couldn't.

She had let none of her daughters in the room, knowing they are still too young to not be overwhelmed by the maiden's blood, so she had herself took care of dressing the wound before Miranda arrived with her anger filled body, undid it all because it was not good enough for her only to redo the same thing as Alcina had but only Alcina herself was bothered by what she saw.

An inch, if not less, of her wrist was visible without her white glove on her hand and even on that one inch many scars tangled together, turning what little part she could see into a mess.

She saw when she slashed her arms open in that bloody fight but just seeing the number of scars was baffling even to her since by the way it looked, the maiden would constantly slash the same area and Alcina couldn't help but remember that scars usually are more sensitive for humans.

It didn't bother her because of the view or because it was unsightly, it bothered her because she could guess many of the wounds would have been done while serving someone else than her.

"They are not worth it." She thought. "But don't worry, you are mine and I don't like sharing. You are all mine little maiden."

The Bloody Reaper (Alcina X F.OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat