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Ship: Johnlock.
Characters: Harry (Watson) perspective with a mention of John and Sherlock.
Word count: 1057 words.
Warnings: Mention and description of abuse, swearing/bad language and the use of the f slur.

Disclaimer: I wrote this a while ago so it's not the best writing I've ever done but I still wanted to post it because I think it's not too bad.

In this, John is 16 and Sherlock is 15. Harry is 13.

PS: the italics are used when it's a song lyric as this one is inspired by "First Burn" by shoba narayan. I may have deleted some lyrics or changed some of the pronouns in the song to fit better with the scenario.

With that all said, enjoy :)

~ Rhys



To Sherlock Holmes,

He saved every letter you wrote him

He saved the last letter you wrote him, just like he always does. In a brown cardboard box under his bed, just in the shadows, out of sight. I know you love sending letters to John but this has to end, for his sake. You are putting him in danger, Sherlock, just like you always do.

From the moment he saw you

He knew you were his

You said you were his

I'm suppose to protect him, that's my job, but you're making my job so much more fucking difficult. You were suppose to be his genuis so why are you acting so stupid?

I thought you were his

If you love him like you say you do, then let him go.

Do you know what Angelica said

When I told her what you'd done?

Do you even know what his dad, our dad, will say if he found out about you two dating?

She said

"You have married an Icarus

He has flown too close to the sun"

He would say "You are dating a faggot. It's just one mistake after another with you, isn't it? Guess someone will have to teach you a lesson..."


Take another step in his direction

You can't be trusted around him

Don't think you can talk your way

Into his arms, into his arms

I don't want to see you anywhere near John. You had your chance, Sherlock. Now you've just left him broken and it's now my job to pick up the pieces. I get it, your family are accepting of you. I'm happy for you, truly I am. You have a privilege in your life that was gifted to you for free but some of us don't have that fucking privilege. Some of us still have to fight and, trust me, John will fight but it will burn him from the inside out.

I'm burning the letters you wrote him

I'm burning all your letters. It's for the best. Do you know how stupid you've made John? He left those stupid letters out on the stupid coach. Our dad could have seen those and who the hell knows what the fuck would have happened to John. His pain is my pain, Sherlock, and I can't bear to see you causing him this much pain.

You can stand over there if you want

I don't know who you are

I don't even know a face to the name. Glorious Sherlock Holmes. That may be what John sees you as but I don't. His 'little genuis that can think his way out of any mess' I find it hard to believe that. Yet, I'm still holding on hope that he's right and you will get us out of this mess, for John's sake.

I have so much to learn

And if you do save us, we have some catching up to do. And if you don't, goodbye Sherlock Holmes, hopefully our paths will cross again some day, for John's sake.

He keeps re-reading your letters

And watching them burn

I'm watching them burn

Everyday he comes home and lays on his bed. Just laying there, reading the letters you wrote for him. Hours and hours passing before he would come out of his room. Tears down his face that you caused. Red, puffy eyes that you caused. Tired eyes that haven't slept for days that you caused. That's not healthy, Sherlock, so I'm watching your letters burn.

You have ruined our lives

We were better without you here. Life was better without you here. I always said that you'd either be the making or the breaking of my older brother. I guess you just had to choose the latter, didn't you?

Heaven forbid someone whisper

"He's part of some scheme"

His enemy whispers

So he has to scream

He's drowning. He's scrambling for air. Screaming out to anyone who will help him. Our dad only whispers but that's enough to cause earthquakes. That's only on the surface. You don't even know how deep this goes, how deep this will hurt him. Not even I can protect him from that. Do you even know how hard it is to hear his cries for help? Yet, I can't even help him, even though I'm only a metre away.

I know about whispers

I see how you look at my brother

I see how he looks when he's thinking about you. I can only imagine how you must look when you think about him so I know that this will make it a whole lot harder to accept.


I'm not naive

I may be younger but I'm not naive or stupid or vulnerable, like my dad tells me I am. I am strong and brave and smart. I know he'll still try to see you because I know John and I know that you may think you know John but you don't. He's naive and stupid and vulnerable right now because of 'love'. If he sees you, I'm scared he will do something stupid. He's my brother, Sherlock, I need to protect him from himself.

I'm erasing myself from the narrative

I'm not letting this be his life. Getting punched and kicked and smacked because of something he can't control. Not being able to walk because of the pain this has caused him. Not just physical pain but mental pain too. I'm removing him from that narrative because that will not be his life.

When you broke his heart

You have thrown it all away

Stand back, watch it burn

Just watch it all burn

You haven't just broken his heart. You've broken his mind, his body, his personality. Everything that made him John, you've broken. You've taken all of that away from him and burnt it, and for what? A quick kiss in an alleyway, whilst John checks behind his shoulder to make sure his dad's not there with a fucking baseball bat. Well, I hope it was all worth it because now I'm standing here watching him burn.

If you thought you were his

Maybe I was wrong about you, Sherlock. Maybe life wasn't better without you here because then John had something to live for.


But it's too late now, isn't it?

Yours sincerely, Harry Watson.

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