I Love it When He Does That

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Ship: Johnlock and Mystrade.
Characters: Greg and John with a mention of Mycroft and Sherlock.
Word count: 519 words.
Warnings: Smut-ish at the beginning and swearing/strong language.

The street lights glowed hesitantly on his sharp cheekbones like they were scared they would cut themselves if they dared to adventure closer to his perfect features. Yet, I wasn't so hesitant when I reached up to kiss his soft and inviting lips. He tasted like strawberries and cigarettes. It may not seem like a perfect combination but it was delightfully perfect to me because it reminded me of the man who almost got away. Well, my man who almost go away. As I rested my hands comfortably on his waste, I started to nibble at his-

"Mate, I appreciate you but I don't really want another retelling of how you and Sherlock's first date was like. It just makes me feel more single" Lestrade spoke, cutting John off ever so hesitantly.

Putting down his pint, Greg removed himself slowly from his stool. Shaky hands grabbed onto the bar infront of him for stability against the force of gravity. Trying to remain balanced was like trying to cross the road with your eyes closed.

Unsprisingly, he fell to the ground, lucky to have his butt to cushion the impact. Embarrassed, he got up from the floor with only his dignity being bruised.

After far too many attempts for John's liking and far too many people laughing at them for Greg's liking, John and Greg successfully left the pub. Their arms were wrapped around each other, protecting each other from the rain that started to spit upon them.

A white ticket started to flap in the wind with only a windscreen wiper weighing it down. Darker spots had tinted the paper and caused the ticket to become damp. It appeared to be a parking ticket addressed towards a very specific Detective Inspector.

"I hate it when people like us get fucked by the Government" John stated angrily as he ripped the ticket from the windscreen wiper and passed it to his friend.

The Detective Inspector, Greg Lestrade, replied "I love it when he does that" causing John to continue to stare at the ground before ever so slowly turning his head towards Greg as a shocked expression lingered on his face.

"He? What do you mean he?" John questioned Greg, desperate for answers. He rummaged for any change in the other man's body language or facial expressions, just like how Sherlock had taught him to.

The silence was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

The Army Doctor, John Watson, was the first to break the silence. "Oh my god. You're fucking Mycroft Holmes! I can't believe I didn't know that sooner" he shouted, his voice almost jumping in glee.

"OK. I don't want the whole street to know" Greg tried bargain with John.

"I'm going to tell Sherlock" John claimed as one foot edged itself into the car.

"You better not" Greg stated as he reached out to grab John's hand, only for him to shut the door.

The window was rolled down as John sat beside it. "I can't make promises I won't keep" John confirmed as he put his phone up to his ear.

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