I love you, Uncle

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Ship: N/A.
Characters: Greg and Rosie.
Words: 662 words.
Warnings: N/A.

Inspired by the "I love you, dad" scene from Spiderman: Into the Spider-verse.
~ Rhys <3

It was Greg Lestrade's favourite day. He got to take Rosie to Highschool.

It was a long wait outside 221B as Greg waited for Rosie to enter out of the door infront of him and into the car. He decided to put on his favourite CD whilst he waited (yes, his car came with a built in CD player). 

Eventually, Rosie made her way into Greg's car and closed the door. She nodded her head along to the music before pausing to side eye Greg. Greg picked up on the change of body language more quickly than Rosie hoped he would, well, he wasn't called a Detective Inspector for nothing.

"Why are you looking at me like that? It's a good song" Greg protested whilst Rosie was still side eyeing him. "Is it really?" Rosie questioned the Detective Inspector as she quit her side eyeing to turn back around to face the view infront of her.

It was quite nice out. The sun was shining, the clouds had been hidden from sight and the sky was so blue it was like Rosie was swimming in a beautiful ocean as the warmth from the sun happily bounced around her.

Although Rosie was captivated by the tranquil scene infront of her, Greg was still focused on the CD infront of him. "You're too young, you wouldn't understand" Greg stated defensively. At that point, Rosie was barely listening but decided to add to the conversation anyway; "Oh, Be-bop!" she stated, confusing Greg in the process.

He sat there, still confused, for a few seconds before deciding not to ask anymore questions. 'If you lined up everyone in the world and asked them to describe the Beatles, nobody at all would say Be-bop' Greg thought as he began to drive off with Rosie's school being the destination in mind.

Rolling down the window - as it was a hot day - signified that Rosie had reached her destination. Without looking back to say 'goodbye', Rosie opened the car door as she stepped out only to be kissed by the warm air.

Suddenly, there was a loud siren. Rosie just thought it was her Uncle speeding off to try and catch a criminal but it turned out to be something much worse.

A sudden familar voice echoed through the speaker. "I love you, Uncle" it spoke.

There was silence as Rosie began to walk into school without performing the voice's commands. "I love you, Uncle" Greg said again into the speaker that accompanied the car, encouraging Rosie to say it back to him.

Again there was silence but this time Rosie didn't walk off. Instead, she stayed where she was as she turned on her heal to face her Uncle who was still sat in the car. Embarrassment was present on her face as she tried to diminish this awkward situation.

Greg knew that he had never really been close to Rosie. He had tried to be there when it really mattered but apart from that he hardly got to see her because of how busy his job caused him to be. Seeing her in her school uniform, being more intelligent than he ever was at her age, made him so proud to be her Uncle.

Greg muttered his last "I love you, Uncle". Just one phrase of affirmation would have been enough to allow Greg to drive away but Rosie was adamant that those words would never cross her lips.

That was until Rosie paused, almost like she was considering her options as Greg was considering whether he should stay or not. He had embarrassed her enough now that all her friends were laughing at her and pointing towards her as they whispered about her. 'God what have I done' Greg thought.

"I love you, Uncle" Rosie eventually stated back to her Uncle. Greg lifted his head and starred at her. Rosie copied his actions. They shared a moment of joyful smiles before Greg drove off.

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