Clingy Sherlock

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Ship: Johnlock.
Characters: John, Sherlock, Mrs Hudson, Greg with a brief mention of Mycroft.
Word count: 1695 words.
Warnings: Smut-ish (intimate scene involving neck kisses, kisses and small praises).

This may make more sense after you read this but I just wanted to mention that a part of the plan for this oneshot read 'Does Mrs Hudson come in and become in awe of them and make a "I knew you two were together" comment I THINK SHE DOES' and I just wanna leave that there.
~ Rhys <3

It had all started this morning right when John got out of bed to get himself and Sherlock some coffee. He was supposed to leave the bedroom quietly so he could suprise sleeping beauty with breakfast in bed. Well, that was until Sherlock decided he didn't like the idea of John's plan and sleepily found himself curled up around his lover. That would have been a sweet moment if they were still in bed.

John found himself standing at the door that leads out of the bedroom and not in the comfort of his own bed with his boyfriend sleeping peacefully next to him. He always hated leaving Sherlock, even if he knew he would be coming back to him and he'll be able to hear him if anything was to happen. Fortunately for him, his boyfriend decided to come with John to the kitchen to give him the company he adored. Unfortunately for him, his boyfriend had decided that walking was so overrated and he would rather be carried instead.

He had his ankles snaked around John's waist and his arms wrapped around John's neck. Sherlock - still feeling rather sleepy - rested his heavy head in the crook of his partner's neck. He chose the right side of his partner's neck to avoid the injury John had attained on his left shoulder as he knew too much pressure would cause pain, which was the last thing he wanted to cause. John's neck seemed to be a popular place for Sherlock as every so often he would lift his head to place a kiss on the bottom of John's neck, which was rewarded with a quick play with Sherlock's hair and a quiet hum or incoherent murmur from his relaxed counterpart.

Without a hint of Sherlock getting off of John any time soon, John decided he might as well try and make breakfast as best as he could with the little range of mobility he now had. He decided on the classic; jam and toast for breakfast. It was a simple dish that John had made multiple times so nothing could go wrong, right?

John was right. Nothing went wrong. He managed to get the bread out of the bread bin and put the bread in the toaster. Two came out lightly toasted (just how John liked it) and the last one came out almost burnt (just how Sherlock liked it). Even the slippery butter proved to be not as difficult as John thought it would be as it glidded easily onto the toast with one smooth swing of the knife. Sherlock had even began to pick at the toast provided for him before John even had a chance to add the jam. See, it was all going perfectly. Well, that's until it came time for the jam. The jam may not have been as slippery as the butter but it certainly proved to be more difficult.

John loved an even layer of jam on his toast and anything less than even was sure to make him uneasy. He wasn't normally worried about that sort of thing. He didn't mind when the doorknocker was not straight, if anything, he found it funny that Sherlock only did it to annoy his older brother. He didn't mind the skull in the living room that (if you asked Mycroft) was a tad 5° too far to the left. He didn't even mind that the gunshot holes in the wall managed to make the once smooth wall uneven. Now, when it came to jam on toast, worrying was his speciality.

In order to perform his special skill, he had to come at the toast from an angle. Leaning over his marvellous creation, he suddenly began to realise how top heavy he now was. Before he would have no problem but now he was more off balance. With one swift movement, one unhappy Sherlock could be heard yelping as loud as he could as his favourite navy dressing gown had seemed to turn more red due to the amount of jam he was now covered in. This comical act only made Sherlock frown whilst John couldn't stop laughing, which only made Sherlock frown more. Don't worry, no jam was harmed in this instance and John was kind enough to stop his fit of laughter shorter than he would have liked - but still longer than Sherlock would have liked - to help remove the dirty dressing gown off of Sherlock. He place it in the washing basket with a mental note to have it washed before Sherlock went to bed otherwise he wouldn't hear the end of it.

John, of course, had tried multiple ways to get Sherlock off of him. He thought that maybe he just needed something familar, which was how his first idea came about. He planned to help sit Sherlock down in his chair that he normally sat in to reinforce Sherlock with some everyday comfort. However, the only response he got was when Sherlock moved his ankles higher up John's back - to avoid sitting down - as he arms tightened around John's neck with his bottom only inches away from the seat below him. It was almost like he was scared to sit down as he clung onto his dear Watson for dear life.

The second idea came about when John decided to make him and Sherlock some lunch. He knew Sherlock would probably end up refusing to eat all of it but he swore he would always see Sherlock taking a few small bites when he thought John wasn't looking. That's why he continued to make an effort to prepare some food for him. Whatever selfless thoughts he had about lovingly preparing food for Sherlock so his lover didn't have to worry about not eating all day went out the window as soon as it proved difficult to bend down to collect the pan from the lower cupboard - which he wanted to use to cook pasta - whilst having Sherlock glued to his waist. He paused, almost dramatically. Sherlock had got to remember what happened when he tried to make breakfast, right? He wished that his boyfriend would just take the hint and get off of John so that John could easily cook the perfect dish for him. It would have definitely avoided the pasta that was all in Sherlock's hair and, yes, even John (who handled said pasta) couldn't tell you how it got there.

The third idea came about when Detective Inspector Lestrade came to 221B. Doctor Watson had truly believed that Sherlock would have to get off of him as he would be too embarrassed to see an old time friend view him in such a vulnerable light as he clung onto his boyfriend. John had even tried to sit down as he gestured for Sherlock to do the same in his own chair, whispering reassurance into his ear such as "I'll still be able to see you" and "you can only focus on me if that makes you feel better". Still, Sherlock decided to stay sitting on John's lap with his ankles and arms still wrapped around John. He still managed to solve the case in 10 minutes flat (if you were wondering).

He loved Sherlock, of course he did, he loved the feeling of their bodies pressed together as it produced a warm feeling in John's stomach. Just being able to feel Sherlock's heartbeat was enough to put a smile on his face. Knowing that Sherlock was alive and well gave him such relief. He truly didn't know what he would do without Sherlock. Maybe that's why Sherlock choosing today to be the day he decides to be clingy wasn't such a bad idea. Well, that and the fact that it was a good job he had the day off today.

By the time Mrs Hudson came into the flat, John didn't have a forth idea. Perhaps, he ran out of ideas or he just truly came around to the idea of Sherlock being clingy to him and he just didn't mind. He sat down in his chair and, like before, Sherlock refused to sit in his own chair so Mrs Hudson sat in Sherlock's chair, facing opposite the couple. Mrs Hudson talked about her day as John nodded and hummed in agreement when appropriate. There were several new TV shows she thought her bakerstreet boys would like to watch together. John could hear her suggest "Hannibal", "Good Omens" and "Lucifer" as he absentmindedly ran his fingers through Sherlock's hair as Sherlock purred in his ear in response. Like always, the shows she suggested were either about crime or very gay. Well, now John thought about it, Hannibal was probably both.

Their wholesome interaction was ended briefly due to Mrs Hudson having to make a phone call with her sister about winning a bet due to someone being a couple now or something. It was a puzzle John decided he would work out another day as he wasn't really paying attention. He had something else his mind was deciding to focus on. Something to do with his very own puzzle that was sprawled out on his lap.

For the first time that day, Sherlock wasn't the one to initiate a kiss on the bottom of his partner's neck. This one seemed to be slower - almost like John wanted to live in an endless version of that moment - and the receiver of such pleasure didn't show any signs of discomfort. If anything, the soft noises that came out of his mouth motioned that he rather enjoyed it.

"God, you are beautiful" John whispered seductively against the bristles under Sherlock's ear. One last kiss was placed gently yet much quicker than the rest just above Sherlock's jawline before John was determined that he truly didn't mind that Sherlock had chose to be clingy today. I mean, it definitely got both of them to the bedroom quicker than it normally would have if Sherlock decided that he suddenly desired to walk towards their shared bedroom.

With Sherlock still wrapped around his John, it gave him easy access to Sherlock's-

Well, that was a story for another oneshot.

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