A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into

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Ship: Johnlock?
Characters: John and Sherlock.
Word count: 916 words.
Warnings: N/A.

I have never watched Be More Chill... oops. I do plan to watch it but I haven't yet. Anyway, I love the song "A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into" from Be More Chill so much, it's very catchy so I just knew I had to make a oneshot to it. The song lyrics are in atalics and the pronouns havs been changed to better fit the scenario of the oneshot.
I hope you enjoy!
~ Rhys <3

John turned from his back onto his side so he could face Sherlock. He placed a hand on Sherlock's chest, watching his chest rise up before falling back down again. He knew it was silly to check if Sherlock was alive and well because he knew he was both of those things but somehow he just couldn't believe that he had found such a perfect best friend in his life. Someone he could really trust.

That's when he knew he needed to tell Sherlock, just to get it off of his chest.

"I know you're auditioning for Be More Chill at our school" John stated as he jumped off of Sherlock's bed and grabbed the remote as he did so. "So, I decided to sing you one of the songs from it. You know, to get you properly prepared".

"Properly prepared?" Sherlock smirked as he leant on his elbow so he could see John in all his glory. "You don't think I'm talented enough to ace the audition?" Sherlock questioned. He knew the answer, of course he did, he just liked to tease John.

John turned his head slowly away from the TV (where he was finding the right song to sing along to) and towards Sherlock. He knew Sherlock was teasing him, of course he did, he just enjoyed playing along with Sherlock's game. "Everyone could use a little practice" John winked in Sherlock's direction. "And anyway" John began to add "I need to tell you something through this song".

That moment. That was the moment that made Sherlock's heart melt and his palms sweat.

John found the right song and placed the remote in his left hand with his head looking down to the ground. His hair had now swooped over his eyes, which made him look edgy or hot or whatever adjective Sherlock could manage to comprehend whilst staring at John. 'He has a starting position? He's more dramatic than I am' Sherlock thought, amused by the sight infront of him.

Then the music started. John started to use the remote as a microphone as he began to sing along with the song.

Say there's this person you pass in the hall every day

You've known them since year 7

Sherlock instantly recognised the song. It was actually his favourite song from Be More Chill. Instantly, he recognised the theme of the song. It was a confession of love song between two friends.

You're used to thinking about them in a certain way

From the persona that they displayed

Then something changes, and they change

He was right. Of course, John was right. Sherlock had changed but it was for the better. He hadn't changed for John. He would never change for anyone. John had changed him and for that he would forever be grateful.

From a person that you'd never be into

Into a person that you'd kinda be into

Sherlock was so invested in John that he didn't realise that John wasn't singing about a girl. Yes, he had changed the lyrics but not to a girl but to a person. Sherlock could be that person. Just the thought of that made Sherlock grin widely and, in that exact moment of realisation, John looked directly into Sherlock's eyes and smiled. That big, beautiful smile that only Sherlock is privileged to see.

From a person that I'd never be into

Into a person that I'd kinda be into

Sherlock had started to join in with the singing. John couldn't have all the fun now, could he? Soon enough, there were two boys in their pyjamas in a bedroom in London giggling and singing like two idiots.

Are they worth it?


Are they?

"If it's the person I'm thinking of then, yes, it's totally worth it" Sherlock said over the music. John didn't say anything at first. He just smiled. "So, I have your approval then?" John asked. Sherlock couldn't help but jump with glee. John had basically just asked him out. "Of course you do, you idiot".

John placed his hand on Sherlock's cheek, practically ignoring the music playing in the background. There was something more important happening at that moment. He looked at his eyes before descending his gaze upon Sherlock lips; his baby pink lips that had a cut peaking through the top from when he cut himself whilst shaving. He then accended his glare to Sherlock's eyes once more.

Staring into his ocean blues eyes he could see the hurt, the broken but also the hope in his best friend's eyes and he knew he had to do everything in his power to protect Sherlock. That's why he couldn't mess up this precious moment for the two of them.

Then the chorus started again and John couldn't help but sing along to the lyrics.

The person that I'd kinda be into

This was the moment to confess.

Person that you'd kinda be into

Sherlock sang back with more emotion than he cared to express. He just wanted to show John how much he needed him. He needed a grasp of a hand, a warm embrace, a sweet kiss or anything that would announce his love for John. He had waited for this day for ages and he sure as hell wasn't going to let anything ruin this this perfect moment.


John sang, leaving a long pause, almost like he wanted Sherlock to suffer before giving him the sweet relief of knowing who he was kinda into.


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