Dear Diary

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Ship: Johnlock and Mystrade.
Characters: Written in the POV of Mycroft with the mention of Sherlock, John and Greg.
Word count: 1281 words.
Warnings: Implied abuse of drugs (not explicit).

25/7/2010 : 9:35pm

Dear diary,

I never thought I'd say this but I miss Sherlock's constant pestering. When he was younger, he'd always have a question to ask me. I prayed and prayed and prayed that when he was older, he would grow out of his "curious phase" and I'm not even religious. Yet, he didn't grow out of it. If anything, it got a lot worse for me. Well, for him, he got more intelligent yet I felt like I was becoming more dumber by the second with the amount of his questions that I couldn't answer.

Now he's ran out of questions for me, I just feel empty, like I don't have a purpose anymore. I just hope that it doesn't mean he's trying to occupy his brilliant yet loud mind with other things that could harm him. I'm his guide through life. I'm his main source of knowledge. I'm his older brother. I'm suppose to be able to protect him.

I know I could never answer all of his questions, maybe that's why he stopped asking them, but I hope it showed him that he could come to me with anything and I would be there to help. Most importantly, I hope it showed him that I'm human.

27/7/2010: 10:02pm

Dear diary,

So, I tried to "play it cool" by waiting a week until I went round to his flat to check on him because I wanted to give him his space and I didn't want to be kicked out like last time. If I'm being honest, perhaps it's because I didn't want to find him in the state he was in last time I saw him in person.

I couldn't wait the week that I had set for myself so I went round to his flat half a hour ago. I know it's probably too late to go around, especially as Mrs Hudson gave me the "what time do you call this?" type of look, but I just felt like I needed to see him. I'm really glad Sherlock won't find this journal or he would never let that last sentence go.

I straightened his door knocker, I swear he moves it just to annoy me. I didn't bother to knock, it would have been pointless anyway. As I walked up the stairs, I was very confused to see a man - he was a lot older yet a lot shorter than Sherlock - sitting across from Sherlock and they were both (how do I put this) giggling. Thank God Mrs Hudson came in otherwise I would have been standing there all night.

I will spare you all the details, Sherlock said I can "go on a bit" when retelling stories. The point of the story was to share that he's doing well. Better than ever really and I'm really glad he is. He deserves someone who cheers him up, it's better than him having to deal with me 24/7.

1/1/2012: 11:23pm

I always thought I'd say this but I don't miss Sherlock's constant pestering. You know that man that I talked about last time, well Sherlock has become quite fond of him. As this new found fondness of Dr John Watson (yes, that's what he's called) has grown so has Sherlock's questions aimed towards me. So, the feeling of me becoming dumber with every passing second has quickly began to return.

He's asking for advice about this guy he likes. Here's the kicker, not just any guy but his flatmate. You know, Dr John Watson, the guy he's been living with for about 1 and a half years now. Don't get me wrong, I've been in a few relationships in my time but they've been anything but perfect and healthy. On top of that, I haven't had a relationship since highschool. Yes, they've been a few guys I've liked and maybe there's currently a guy who has caught my eye so maybe I know how Sherlock feels but that's completely different.

I'm never going to pursue my feelings because caring isn't an advantage. I've taught him that all throughout his childhood because love hurts. If he keeps persisting to get hurt then that's his issue and heaven knows that I won't be able to stop him but I will certainly be there to pick up the pieces when it does.

2/2/2013: 12:01am

Dear diary,

Yes, you've read that date right, he's been pining over John for over a year. I definitely don't miss those long nights on the phone as he outlines every single way he's going to ask John out in every single detail. I thought I would be upset about Sherlock being in a relationship with John, especially as the reality that John may actually like Sherlock back dawned on me, but now I'm just glad that they're together. I think I should get a cake just to commemorate the ending of Sherlock ringing me in the early hours of the morning just to talk to me about how much he needs John.

If you were wondering about my own "love life" then there isn't much to tell. I did what I've always done since highschool, I've buried my feeling the best I could. I mean, yes I want to hold his hand and kiss him and tell him how much I love him and need him in my life but I'm glad I haven't. Eveytime I feel the urge to tell him or to hold him, I just remind myself that caring isn't an advantage. It seems to be working really well so I think I'll just stick to that for now.

However content I may feel with the whole "Greg situation" (yes, that's the name of the guy I like) I can't help but feel sad and guilty about the lack of time I now spend with Sherlock. He doesn't even ring me that much anymore. I try to ring him every now and again but he hardly answers and I hardly have any patience to wait longer than the 5th time it rings.

I know we've never really been close so why do I feel so sad/guilty that we're not?

1/1/2017: 1:34am

Dear diary,

So, I may have been wrong about the whole burying your feelings part because I may have got a tad bit drunk and kissed him passionately on the lips before running out of the pub. Also, that may have happened a few months ago and I may have been dating him for 3 months now. It may be that Sherlock knows nothing about this yet even though him and John are getting married in a few weeks. It may also be the case that me and Greg are wearing matching suits to their wedding.

I know future me is laughing right now about how hypocritical I was to bury my feelings for Greg for just under 4 years when I called Sherlock stupid for not asking John out after he had been pining over him for over a year but past me had his reasons. Well, that's what I'm going to tell myself because I can't believe I waited 4 years before telling him how I feel and I wasn't even sober when I told him. I even ran out right afterwards. God, I'm so stupid. Well, he must not mind how stupid I can be because he's put up with me for 3 months and hasn't ran away yet and what a glorious 3 months it has been!

I've never liked the idea of marriage but with him it's just different.

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