Chapter 3 Helping the new kids

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"Fascinating. But how do you know the light goes out when you close the door?" Merlin slammed Jim's fridge open and closed, encapsulated by the concept. Jim just kept silent as he focused on making his omelet.

"I never expected merlin to be in my house." Barbara spoke in a hushed voice.

"You've had trolls, goblins and changelings here. Why not a wizard?" Claire chuckled.

"Merlin, the immortal. What an honor. Allow me to introduce myself. Waltolomew stricklander. Well,strickler for short.I've been mentoring the trollhunter." strickler knelt on one knee.

"Spare me the life story. Now and forever, changeling." Merlin spat. How rude,even if his name is as ridiculous as Waltolomew.

Barbara placed the omelet in front of merlin. "So gunmar stole your staff. Isn't that all he needs to make the, um, the, the-?"

"The eternal night, mom." Jim reminded.

"Yes, the eternal night." Barbara spoke in a worried tone.

"Fear not, mother of jim. When I designed my staff, I put in a safeguard." Merlin consoled.

"See? We're in good hands." Jim handed the rest of us omelets. I started eating as Merlin continued."Then again, no safeguard is a guarantee." Merlin reminded. "It's been centuries since I've eaten. Metalface here was lucky I didn't eat him back in the cave."

Just as he said that I gaged the food that was in my mouth. I put my head on the table we were standing/sitting around. "You okay Bella," Claire asked."I'm fine,"I said as I swallowed my food.

"He's joking right?" Toby nervously chuckled.

"Not really. Time is of the essence. Take me to the nearest blacksmith at once." Merlin instructed. I finished my food and put it in the sink and walked with the other to Jim's garage.

"We have a couple of tools and some old Christmas decorations. Will that work? Or...what are you making exactly?" Jim asked as he led us into the garage.

"It's none of your concern now. No forge? No grindstone? Not even a bellows?" Merlin looked around.

"No. But, Jimbo has a garage door. Check it out!" Toby played with the switch that controlled the door.similar to how he did with Merlins time bending room back in his tomb.

"This will have to do." Merlin sighed.

"When you said you put in a safeguard, how long do safeguards typically guard...safely?" Claire questioned.

"Yeah, are we talking weeks? Years? Toby elaborated.

"Depends on Gunmar's cleverness. A few hours." Merlin continued to search for resources.

"But can you stop him right?" Toby asked.

"I have lost most of my magic. But this old bucket knows a few spells." he referred to himself. "I need you to require a few items first."

"What sort of items?" Jim mused.

"I'm sure nothing too difficult to gather. Lend me your quill, I will write you a list." Merlin instructed.

"We're fresh out of quills." I said with a little bit of sarcasm in my tone.

"Can you text it?" Toby asked. He ended up writing us a list with pen and paper. School started up so we had to brainstorm ideas on where to find our items.

"Blinky and AAARRRGGHH are collecting a bunch of these, which leaves three things for us." Jim stated.

"Okay, what's first on Merlin's list?" I asked.

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