Chapter 4 Calm before the storm, minus the calm part

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"Let me get this straight. You want Gunmar to release Morgana?" Blinky gasped.

"Merlin, I thought you were here to save the world, not destroy it!" Toby cried.

"I'm not destroying the world, I'm risking it! The world harbors greater dangers, not just the ones in your little town." Merlin retorted.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and a little edge to it.

"You could not hope to understand." Merlin condescended.

"Jim? Jim. Jim!" Claire snapped the Trollhunter out of his daze.

"Want to weigh in here? Merlin just dropped the bomb we have to let Morgana loose." Toby exclaimed.

"Wait, he destroyed my vespa." Jim murmured.

"He what? See? Then you must listen to the voice of reason. Mine!" Blinky rambled.

"Gunmar has the staff of Avalon. Soon he will find a way to free her. This is when we will strike. Together, we'll slay Morgana before the eternal night starts." Merlin stated.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm sorry you want Jim to go against Gunmar and Angor Rot and Morgana?" Toby gasped.

"Shouldn't we at least let Jim decide?" I questioned.

"Now is the time to strike. She's been imprisoned for centuries, and she will be at her weakest. This is our best chance." Merlin continued.

"Wait. if Jim defeats Morgana, you get your magic back." Claire realized.

"That would be a pleasant bonus, yes." Merlin sneered.

"Oh, you only want your magic back. AAARRRGGHH, my friend, put your fist through the old man's face." Blinky demanded.

"Old man make sense. Stop witch forever." AAARRRGGHH replied.

"I'm with Blinky, sounds like Merlin just wants his magic back." Toby retorted.

"What if Merlin's right? He's been right about everything else." Claire reasoned.

"Thank you." Merlin smiled.

"Claire, Gunmar and Morgana want to destroy the world. We live in this world!" Toby cried.

"What about you Isabella, what do you think?" Claire asked.

"Don't drag me into this, it's Jim's decision to call the shots here." I said with my arms crossed with my back against a post in Jim's living room.

"I need to think." Jim sighed.

"Then, I await your decision." Merlin bowed half heartedly.

"Whatever you choose, if we are to fight, we'll need an army. AAARRRGGHH and I will see what we can do. As to whom, we are fighting, I'll leave that to Master Jim." Blinky glared at Merlin. I don't blame him, I'm kinda mad at him too.

The rest of the day was tiring, but the worst part was that Dr. Lake, Jim's mother, had gone missing. Nobody had seen her and she wouldn't pick up her phone.

"This is Dr. Lake. I'm not available. Please leave a message..." The familiar voicemail sounded again.

"My mom hasn't seen her either." Claire whimpered.

"Not at the hospital." Toby sighed.

"I'm trying to call Strickler but I'm worried he won't pick up." I stated, my voice full of worry.

"Asking for Mommy's permission?" Merlin taunted.

"You're asking us to wage a war. It's only fair to have everyone weigh in." Jim retorted.

"I'm feeling a bit peckish. Where do you keep your fresh haggis?" Merlin completely ignored Jim and searched the fridge.

"What sort of cannibal wizard hungers for boiled meat in a sheep's stomach?" Toby recoiled in disgust. "I'll see if anyone at the school has seen her."

The door flung open and Toby was shoved to the ground by Nomura, the changeling who previously worked at the museum.

"Usurna tried to capture me at the museum." Nomura groaned as she heaved herself up.

"Gunmar needs a changeling to activate the staff of Avalon." Nomura guiltily mumbled. Cradling her injured arm.

"So he found a way around my safeguard. He needs human hands who can spwak in a troll tongue. If they failed to take her, they'll look for others." Merlin explained in his monotone voice, uncaring and nonchalant as always.

"Strickler! Did he pick up, Bella?" Jim asked nervously.

"No. I kept trying but it just goes to voicemail." I shook my head.

"Do you think your mom is with him, Jim?" Claire asked.

Jim looked down in fear. "Split up and look everywhere, Find my mother!" Jim exclaimed.

"It's okay, Jim, we'll find them." Claire reassured before heading out the door. I was about to leave but I turned back to get a final look at the others.

"Uh, Nomura? Your shoulder, it looks... is it falling out?" Toby gulped, prompting Nomura to shove her arm back into it's socket with a disturbing pop noise.

"All right....I can never unhear that but that's fine....Bye!" I said as I ran out the door.

I walked in the opposite direction of Claire to cover more ground and ended up in a forest. I saw a few foot prints that looked like a struggle.

I kept walking until I ran into Claire and Toby who were on their bikes. We all searched together until we spotted Strickler and Barbara in the canals.

"Dr.L! Are you ok?" Toby cried as we rushed down there.

"We have to warn Jim." Barbara spoke in a trembling voice.

"Morgana, she's free." Strickler stated, holding onto Barbara's hand like a life line.

"Jim." Claire gasped, pulling out her phone to call him. He didn't pick up.

I glanced around at everyone, almost as if communicating through eye contact. We raced off back to Jim's house.

"Jim!" Toby cried, slamming the door open.

"Where's Jim?" I demanded, glaring down Merlin. (older sister mode has just been activated.)

"Finally becoming a true Trollhunter." Merlin announced, his grey eyes narrowing at us.

"You'd never!" Strickler stood aghast. Merlin simply turned away. That was all the proof I needed.

Following the thud from the bathroom, me, Toby, Claire, Barbara and Strickler ran up the stairs.

"Jim, are you in there?"Barbara shook with worry. "Jim! What's happening? Please let us in!"

"Jimbo?" Toby yelled.

"Jim!" Claire cried.

"Jim, come on! This isn't funny!" I slammed myself against the door, ignoring the tears forming in my eyes.

"Jim, they've freed Morgana!" Claire shouted, banging against the door with me.

"Young Atlas, you are not alone. Don't do this! Open the door!" Strickler boomed.

I finally opened the door with it being broken now with my hand bleeding a little and shoved the door open.

He wasn't there.

He was gone.

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