Chapter 9 History in the Making

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I heard a horse neigh as we were now surrounded by knights.

"What manner of sorcery is this?" Someone said in front of us as Douxie is to the left of me and Claire is to the right While Steve is to the right of her.

"Wow." Steve says under his breath as he stares at the knight in front of us.

"Sir Lancelot, um--." Douxie try's to explain.

"He's so handsome." Steve murmurs.

I just scoffed.

"I--We--." Douxie trys explaing but starts stuttering.

"Wait! Aren't you Merlin's errand boy?" Lancelot said.

"Apprentice." Douxie corrected.

"He's like an angel-man. Whoa!" Steve says but whimpers as a knight moves there sword toward his neck.

A knight then gasps and a horse neighs.

Lancelot clears his throat. "The devil--?" But he was cut off by Jim's stasis crystal being cracked open.

Jim groans as he's out of stasis. "What? How did I--."

"Jim! Are you okay?" Claire says as she goes over to where Jim is as I'm now by Steve's left side as he is still staring at Lancelot.

But I was just thinking about other things like how to get back and how I could slap Merlin but not hurt him. And how I'm gonna get them back to see reason.

"Troll! Troll! To arms!" Lancelot yells to the other knights.

Douxie runs in front of us and says."Wait! Chill out, lads!"

"Chill? Out?" Lancelot questioned.

"Take a breath, all right? He's one of the good ones." Douxie explains.

"There are no good ones." Lanceolt says as he pushs Douxie out of the way. Douxie then grunts from how he was pushed.

"Monsters are forbidden in Arthur's lands. You'll hang before the king for your insolence." Lancelot says.

My face as he said "Monsters" morphed into and sneer but it was just in my eyes.

"Whoa, he even talks like an angel. Wait, what's an 'insolence'?" Steve questioned before he grunts as where all picked up by the arms by the knights.

The last thing I heard was a horse neigh before we where moved out of the woods.

We where walking up to camelot as Steve was yelling about something.

"Let go of me! I want my one phone call!" Steve yells but grunts as a knight hit his back so he would move faster.

"This place was cooler flying." Steve mumbels.

As we walked up to the gates I could here the towns people talking amungst each other.

"Claire? What happened? What are we doing at a Renn faire?" Jim askes as he trys reaching for Claire but pulls back as his hand sizzles in the sunlight. "Aah!"

"Jim!" Claire yells as she runs to Jim as hes in a cage.

"We're prisoners in the, uh, Dark Ages. I'd say Mid 12th century, with no way home." Douxie answers Jim's questions.

"And my calmness is a little bit thin with Merlin at the moment...." I say under my breath.

Steve yelps as I say that.

"It's not the ideal situation." Douxie says with a srug.

"Ideal? Jim has a shard of evil magic in his chest!" Claire exclaims.

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