Chapter 12 Witch Hunt Part 2

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We all split up I went one way and the others the other way.

I walked through the woods and heard something that sounded like twigs snaping under something as I looked up to see a small faun coming into the clearing I was in. it looked to be rather young in age but I think most things are young. I got closer and nealed down with my hand out in front as i bowed my head. the faun nodded its head and came closer slowly. after a while, i felt a pair of eyes on me but not just one pare there were three.

I soon heard fighting and the faun ran away.I looked down in sadness as I liked having the faun around. I ran toward the fighting and saw Arthur and Morgana fighting.

"I knew it was you! You defied me, freed those monsters, and now attack your own blood? What possesses you?" Arthur yelled. I ran over to Claire to see what was going on.

"Clarity of mind, brother." Morgana snarled.Merlin says something but I can't hear it. Douxie yells something but everything was blurring together and I couldn't think start with everything going on.

"Defend the king at all costs!" Merlin yells to all the knights.

"You, too, old man?" Morgana questioned.

"I do what I must for the greater good!" Merlin countered I just held back the urge to roll my eyes.

"Traitors! You throw us in chains, fearing what you cannot control, but we of magic are not lesser creatures, we are more!" Morgana yelled as she jumped into the air as she floated in mid-air.

"Stop! We found another way!" Claire tried reasoning.

"We can do this peacefully!" Douxie yelled after.'Guy's don't interfere.....' I thought as I tried to back up and grab Claires shoulder but she moved up more to reason with Morgana.

"Morgana, he's not the enemy." Claire tried to reason. 'worng move Claire.....'

Morgana turned toward us and snarled.

"I trusted you! Now you side with my brother over your own kind? You're just one of them. You're all against me, but I am more powerful than you know."

"Ortum obumbratio!"

Morgana yelled a spell and I emedeatly ducked.

Arthur gasped as all our shadows became shadows of Morgana as they shrieked and chuckled."Oh, buckets." Douxie curssed.

Morgana cackled in the air at what transpiered.

Steve ran around yelling things like the shadow of morgana can get him but he them chokes. I fought the shadow that was attacking me, I used some of my magic but nobody saw as I got use to hiding my magic with a spell so knowone could see the color but I also just used my strangth not just magic.Meanwhile Morgana and arthur where fighting as morgana backed arthur to a cliff.

"Your cruelty towards magic-kind knows no bounds! You have taken and taken, and now we take back!" Morgana snarled inraged.

"Protect the king!" Merlin yelled.Morgana cackled."Enough!" Arthur yelled as he held excaliber to the sky and a bolt of light came from the heavens as he slamed the sword into the ground.

"You outlaw magic, but fight with an enchanted sword! You snuff out any power that isn't yours, but I won't go so quietly." Morgana snarled as she was backed into a cliff edge.

"I denied your true nature for so long because you are my sister. But when I look at you now, all I see is a demon! A witch!" Arthur said as he attacked Morgana.

"And all I see is a little boy driven mad by hatred and prejudice!" Morgana yelled back.

"Goodbye, brother." Morgana said as she raised her hand with a spell.

I looked away as all the screams and noise blurred together as I closed my eyes a image poped into my head for just a split second and it alsmost made me cry but I held them back. The image was of 3 people but they had there backs to me and where walking away.....but i-i was the one walking away instead than what the image showed.

The last thing I heard was Arthur scream and excaliber shatter. I got up and walked over to Douxie and picked up the time map and gave him a pitying look."Oh Douxie...." I said as I nelt in front of him as he put his head on my shoulder.We all had to soon head back to camolot as it was getting darker by the minute.

"Now magic has truly taken everything from me." Arthur solemnly said as he walked into the castle.

"She's gone. We failed." Claire said as I held her side.

"No, I failed. Master I-- I'm so sorry." Douxie said defeated.

"Doux...." I said as I let Claire go as all eyes were on me now. "This is why you don't meddle with time......." I finally said. "There is no 'fixing' anything. Every change has consequences. Knowing the future is a responsibility to bear with caution, lest you cause worse things to happen. I-i know from experience that meddling with things will cause worse things to happen." I say as all of their eyes grew wide at what I know. I suddenly had a flashback and shook my head as I went to the door of the castle.

"I tried to warn you about this but you didn't listen." I finally said as I walked inside with merlin going to his chambers while me going to mine to see crystal.When I entered my room I got hit with a gust of cold air and I froze as I realized he was here. Crystal came up to me and whispered,

"H-he was here....."


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