Chapter 10 History in the Making part 2

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We all went to a cornner to talk so knowone can hear us.

"Well, that went better than expected." Douxie says as he rubs the back of his head.

"Are you kidding? Jim's in prison and me and Bella are the servants to a sorceress who tried to kill me." Claire says back to him.

"It's okay..." I say as I hold her shoulders in a comforting way.

"Even worse, I can't get a signal!" Steve says.

"Technically speaking, she hasn't done that yet." Douxie tries to reason.

"I don't care! We're not supposed to be here. We should be home, together, helping our friends in the present. Their present. The future! Whatever! " Claire paincs as she starts to cry a little and I hold her tighter.

"We can't return home... yet. Look, Merlin always insisted we never mess with time. We'll have to find a way back without screwing up history, or there won't be a future to go home to." Douxie explayins and I understand what he means.

"Aw, man! Just like in that movie Future Warrior 3, when the robots killed Alfred Einstein." Steve says.

"Yeah, exactly." Douxie says.

"So, how do we get home? You're the wizard expert here." Claire says.

"The Time Map! It's here with Merlin! It could show us the way back to the present without damaging the past." Douxie says as he puts a fist to his palm.

"Then what are we waiting for, Dumbledork? Let's go get the time thingy!" Steve says as he pushes Douxie a little with his fist in a frendly manner.

"What about Jim?" Claire says.

"Lake's probaly safer down there than we are up here." Steve says.

"It's settled. We'll play our roles and stay out of trouble while I get that map." Douxie says.

We all split up after that me and Claire went to get ready to go see Morgana in her Chambers.

Once we got there

Me and Claire walked into Morganas chambers with diffrent cloths on as we both had to change into different ones Claire wearing a dressing gown that was purple and white with her hair up in a bun/braid and I was wearing a dressing gown but mine was white with a little bit of black ruffles and some gold on it to as those where some of my favorte colors. Claire then said once we both got into the room.

"Uh...Morgana? Reporting for handmaiden duty. Hello? Morgana? Hello?" Claire said as we walked around.

"The Shadow Staff." Claire says as she grabs it as I try to hold her back but she dosen't react to it and I just stand there until I stiffen as I feel a presunce in the room.

"Aren't you curious? My new handmaiden, familiar with dark magics. I saw it in the court." Morgana says from behind us.

"What? N-No. That was just--." Claire stutters as she looks at me for an answer but I just give her a calm look but my eyes said 'think before you do'.

"What do you know of the Shadows?" Morgana says as she comes over to us as I start to look around the room I see what's in it. Varous trinkits and scrolls used for magic. I've come to miss seeing scrolls and reading about everything I could that I didn't know already as I wanted to learn what it was like to be a normal person.

I drowned out most of Morganas and Claire's convorsaion as it didn't concern me.

But I was soon draged back as Claire pulled my arm as I was focused on a scroll that had a syimbol on it that I didn't think I would see again. It was a syimbol that had three runes on the outer cerucle and a rune on the inside but it was smuged and you couldn't read it and it was half way gone as the paper was super old and you could barly see what it said.

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