Chapter 6 War weary and ready to fight

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My awakening to the end of the world was not a graceful one. An earthquake shook me out of my bed and face flat on the floor.

I got up and put on a white cardigan with a black shirt underneath. I then went to my closet and found a small wooden box that had intricate carvings on it that looked to be symbols that was in the back of said closet that I put in there, because I never thought I would see it again. It had a simple gem inside with a small stick on the end when I picked it up it grew and became a staff.

"I never thought I would use this...." I said to myself.

I made it become a stick so I wouldn't draw attension to myself. I finished getting ready and went out the door and got my rollerrblades on and went of to Jim's house so we could plan everything.

"Ah, Isabella. Come in! I'm setting up a model of Arcadia for planning." Blinky beamed as I walked into the main room.

Just as I was getting ready to listen to the plan, Merlin walked in. I tuned out everything after that. I was focused on something different as I was deep in thought.

"Gunmar and Angor Rot are my fight." Jim declared, stomping down the stairs. Witch got me out of my train of thought. "First, we'll do what we can to clear Arcadia Square, so no one gets hurt."

"Actually, uh, Master Jim, there is no 'we' until night falls. In your current form, sunlight will burn you as much as any of us trolls."

"Maybe Merlin can whip us up some SPF one million?" Toby dryly joked, gesturing towards the old wizard, who did nothing but stare back at him.

"We'll go with the children and put a stop to this battle of the bands." Nomura announced.

"Then am I to fight Morgana alone?" Merlin whined.

"I'll go. Keep safe." AAARRRGGHH emitted.

"Thank you, oh very, very, big one." Merlin spoke in such a dead tone it was hard to tell whether anything he said was true or sarcasm.

"The moment of truth is upon us all. With fortitude and bravery, we can end the threat pose by Morgana, Gunmar and Angor Rot for all time!" Blinky crowed.

"Oh, yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!" Toby shouted, trailing off at the end. "It felt like we were all gonna do that."

And with that, we began the fight. I headed over to the Battle of the Bands as soon as I could, armour on with a poney tail comeing out of it as I had put my hair up.

"Douxie!" I called out to the boy who was currently tuning his guitar.

"Oh, bella! To what do I owe the pleasure?" He beamed.

"I just wanted to say to stay salf today things might get hecktick around here so just stay salf."

"All right I don't know what that means but okay. What's with the aumor?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

"Up next, ash Dipspersal Pattern. Whatever that is." Uhl's voice sounded from the speakers.

"That's your cue. Break a leg Doux!" I shoved him up the stairs on the stage before turning around and walking around and went into the crown to watch Douxie's band perform. They were pretty good, but I think Douxie kinda outshined them.

Another band came up and they did pretty good as well.

Then came Claire's band. She tried warning everyone but apparently didn't warn her own band, so they started singing over her announcement. Then, just as people started getting antsy, the ground shok and the sky erupted in smoke and fire.


That was my cue to pull out my stick and it transformed into the staff. I started to look around the areas to make sure everyone was evacuated, but apparently most people liked to stop and stare at the end of the world, so I ended up dragging out more people then I had hoped for.

I seen a Gumm Gumm running at a kid and Insitintly ran at it and shot a ball of light that had hints of purple and gold in it from my staff at the Gumm Gumm and it instintly shattered into a pile of stone I then ran infront of the kid.

"you okay kid." I said as I went down to there hight and said in a tone that instently calmed them down but they are still scared."y-ya....t-thank you....." The kid said.

"Here let me help you get some where salf." I say. As I pick them up and run to the school where everyone is gathered for safety. I then run off and see Jim fighting Gunmar and Angor Rot.

I started to fight off more Gumm Gumms and helped anyone who wasn't out of town or at the school.

Then when I looked at Jim he was behind Gunmar then Gunmar's chest started glowing ripping open with a bright light. This was it. Gunmar's defeat. The sheer power from that light caused and blinding light I almost looked into but I was fine for the most part.

"Jim!" Claire cried from beside me.

"You did it Jimbo! Daylight went supernova!" Toby yelled.

"That was amazing!" I cheered.

"At long last, after centuries, Gunmar's war is over. And you, my dear boy, have ended it." Blinky praised Jim.

"Um, not to be a total buzzkill, but why is the night still all eclipsey?" Toby questioned, before getting interrupted by AAARRRGGHH's appearance."Wingman!"

"Where's Merlin?" Jim asked.

"In trouble. Morgana." AAARRRGGHH poiinted to where Morgana herself was floating in the sky above us.

"But Merlin's plan..."Blinky trailed off.

"Not work." AAARRRGGHH sighed.

"Wonderful." I growled. Of course, things would turn out ok without Merlin but did he really have to skip town right as we fought Morgana? He was alive, why couldn't he help?

"Don't despair, weak ones. Your lives will soon be over." Morgana jeered, hovering above us still.

"She's beautiful. But totally evil. Yeah, Yeah we have to stop her." Toby nodded.

"She's wearing a helmet how can you even see her face?" I looked at Toby confused.

"Personality matters Bella." Toby gestured nonchalantly.

"Her personality is evil!" I snarled.

"Merlin's champion. I have so looked forward to meeting you. And then killing you." Morgana used her magic to throw us all to the side, exept for Jim. But I don't really remember what happened next because I blacked out.

(Every thing else went on in the show just with Isabella I'm sorry if you wanted to see the rest but i'm getting a bit lazy so the next chapter will be taking place in wizards.)

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