Chapter 5 Jim's looking a little different

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It had been a while, and still no sign of what happened to Jim. Merlin was being cryptic as hell and was absolutely no help whatsoever. One of the others in the room had to restrain me from hiting Meriln in the head and nocking him out.

I was at my house and I couldn't sleep Anxiety then had taken over my thoughts. What if he got seriously hurt? What if we never find him? What if Gunmar or Morgana got him?

My ringtone dragged me back to reality. It was Barbara.

"isabella! Come over quick! We found Jim." I raced out my house door and ran to Jim's house.

When I got there I pounded on the door frantcely.

"bella you're here! Come in." Claire exclaimed with a tired smile, leading me inside. I heard Barbara's voice exclaiming something in the kitchen but ignored it,instead turning my attention to the armoured figured huddled up on the couch next to Toby.

"Is that..." I trailed off.

"Yeah, It's Jim. We don't know exactly what happened because Merlin won't tell us but...we found him at least." Claire sighed,shoulders weighing down.

"Huh..." I mumbeled.

I looked down at Jim. He was taller, for one. His skin and hair were extremely blue, a stark contrast from the incandescent red of his armour. It was hard to believe jim one of my closes't friend's look like this. For a split second I saw red, but I calmed down.

Luckily I didn't have to believe for long, as a loud bang resonating from the back of the house drew me out of my thoughts.

Barbara was still going all out Merlin, Strickler holding her back, but Blinky and AAARRRGGHH had arrived.

"Guys? He's waking up." Claire voiced wavered. My head spun around to face the no longer slumbering half-troll.

"Great grumbly Gruesome." Blinky uttered next to me.

Jim sat up. A horrible decision really, as he was immediately greeted with a headache.

"Honey, do you feel okay?" Barbara quickly seated herself at her son's side.

"He's fine." Merlin hollered as he sat him self down on a stray chair.

"We're not asking you." I snarled. That guy always knew exactly how to be a huge jerk, I'm suprised nobody had murdered him yet. Maybe they might....

"I...I'm fine." Jim murmured to his mother. His attention then quickly turned towards his new apperance.

"Ah! What's wrong with my hand?" Jim howled, clambering up to stand on the couch.

"Nothing's wrong with your hand. It's just a little meatier." Claire attempted to assure him.

"Nice save." I hissed, earning me a jab in the stomach from Toby.

"In a good way." Toby nervously chuckled. "It's like you leveled up."

AAARRRGGHH sniffed at Jim, seemingly being frightened by his scent. He backed up into the kitchen door frame. "No like. No like Troll Jim."

"My elixir transformed our Trollhunter into something not quite human, not quite troll." Merlin intruded again.

"Like a changeling?" Jim mused.

"No. Changelings switch from fully troll to fullly human. Jim is...neither." Strickler explained as he inspected Jim's new form.

Perturbed by all the extra attention, Jim bounded off towards the kitchen. Picking up a toaster from the counter, he checked his appearance.

"This isn't so bad. You know, after a little haircut, we'll find you some sunglasses, maybe a good dentist, huh? You'll be right back to normal." Toby tried to lighten the mood.

"I'm hideous." Jim sighed.

"You're really not." Claire reached to put her hand on Jim's back. The mood lightened with that satement.

"He is now capable of feats we never thought possible." Merlin's voice rose from mumbling behind us. By Deya's grace did this guy ever shut up?

"Like what?" Jim asked. Merlin merely muttered vague attributed like 'inhuman strength' or 'trolling nature' as he ushered us outside to watch Jim train.

"Now then, we don't know the limits of Master Jim's...or should I say 'Troll Jim's' new form, so let's try to take this slowly." Blinky reminded.

"Good one." AAARRRGGHH chuckled at Jim's punches, before flinging him across the backyard. "Troll!"

Yikes, I would say that would say that would hurt but with Jim's new form I'm pretty sure it didn't, it looked like it just tickeled. Lucky him.

"Are you even listening?" Blinky chastised AAARRRGGHH.

"Sorry." AAARRRGGHH muttered.

"Jim? Are you good?" I called out, causing Jim's head to pop out from a bush.

"I didn't feel a thing!" Jim beamed.

"I like new Jim. Troll jim. I got you!" AAARRRGGHH smiled, embracing Jim in a hug he easy broke out of. "Troll Jim strong. Troll Jim fun."

"Half troll, full Hunter. You're welcome." Merlin crowed as Jim and AAARRRGGHH continued to mess about.

"All right, you two. Playtime is over. We're burning night. Let's see what else our new Trollhunter can do." Blinky announced as he led us deeper into the forest to train.

"Fair Claire, the challenge is simple. Land a strike on your beloved Trollhunter." Blinky smirked as he stepped back. Claire portaled up and swing at him from behind, yet he easily dodged. She repeatedly lunged at him but to no avail. They kept at it as they backed up, further into the forest. I just hope neither of them get lost.

Underneath me, the ground violently shook, swaying the trees. I knew exactly what is was.

"You felt that, right? That wasn't just my stomach grumbling?" Toby whimpered.

"I fear those are grumbling of something far more sinister than your digestion." Blinky uttered.

A swirling came from behind us as Claire stepped out of her portal.

"He didn't come back?" Claire choked.

"We thought he was with you!" I exclaimed.

"He was so fast, I lost track of him. I can't find him with the staff. It's like it doesn't recognise him anymore." Claire cried.

"Uh-oh." AAARRRGGHH muttered.

"Claire it's going to be okay." I say as I walk up to her and hug her to calm her down.

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