1. Mumbai ki baarish

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For someone who despises getting drenched, the universe had some choice plans to torture me by placing me in Mumbai. I don my raincoat and open my umbrella, inviting quite the side eye from some coworkers. Yes, I like to be extra safe, so what? Urgh, the roads have flooded already. Whoever romanticises Mumbai ki baarish has never waddled in its knee-deep water. It's a worker's tirade, not a lover's poem.

No, I don't go on unwarranted rants against beloved monsoon every hour. This week has been a shitstorm. Twinkle has gone through a tiring divorce battle, Akki's ex is getting engaged, and Gargi has gone to stay with a friend after her boyfriend cheated on her. Even though I don't believe in love, how has everyone been unlucky in love? It has to be some insane coincidence, right? Or that love doesn't exist.

Fortunately, I find an auto. I will go nuts if I have to deal with another issue I didn't invite. Either everyone's got shit luck or is insanely incompetent. Deep breaths, Sia. You can do this. It's okay. Let's listen to some music. As I open my bag to take my phone out, the wind changes its direction, causing rainwater to bless my face. Perfect. Thankfully, my bag remains unharmed. No music for today, babe. 

I focus on deep breathing so that I don't blow my fuse, but the auto halts with a jolt. F*** that. I'm gonna murder someone today. As the driver struggles to restart their auto, someone taps on the side and asks, panting, "Excuse me, can you take another auto, please? I need to get home urgently". Hell no! 

"I'm sorry. I can't."

Stranger: "Please, it's urgent. I'll pay for your inconvenience."

"It's raining like everything is gonna get washed away, and you need me to look for another auto? Are you hearing yourself?"

Stranger: "We can share the auto. I'll pay for the ride. The driver can drop me off, and you can go home."

I snap, "Who are you, and why would I share an auto with you? Do you see an auto in sight? Or am I supposed to float my way back home on your money? Go get another ride since clearly, you can pay for it". Good lord! Does this rando think that they can pay me to get stranded in this water park called Mumbai? 

Stranger: "Excuse me, ma'am! I'm Ram Kapoor from Bandra. I'm an industrialist, and you can look me up on the internet. I'm not some roadside Romeo."

Why won't this bloody auto start?! I was already thinking of murdering someone today. It's gonna be them.

"DO YOU F***ING REALISE HOW ENTITLED YOU SOUND?!! You might be famous, but has the public awarded you a stellar character certificate? Get off your high horse and get off my back. Sir, is the auto gonna start or has it given up on life?" 

Stranger: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... It's my sister's engagement today, and I'm running late. Furthermore, my car broke down. My friends are a few hundred metres behind trying to call a mechanic, but it's gonna take some time, courtesy of Mumbai ki baarish. I saw the auto and thought that maybe I would make it. I was emotional, but I shouldn't have reacted like that. I understand if you don't wanna give the auto up since the weather is quite bad, though I would appreciate it if you could help a guy out."

That melts my anger right away. Maybe I'm not the only one who's having a shitty day. But... it's flooding, and he's practically a stranger. Who knows whether he's lying or not? What if he's one of those guys Crime Patrol warns you about? Shut up, Sia. Stop the overthinking train before it consumes you. 

"Can you show me the invite for the engagement?"

Stranger: "Sure."

He opens the invite on his phone while I Google him. Ram Kapoor. Famous industrialist from Bandra. Has won several awards. Sounds legit... Maybe he's not lying? The invite looks quite aesthetic, too. Urghhh. Okay. 

"You can go to your sister's engagement first, but I'll sit beside the door. Deal? And no funny business."

Ram: "Thank you, thank you very much. I... you've saved my life."

"Now, now. No need to be overdramatic. Get in before I change my mind."

Looking like I've thrown him a lifeline, he scrambles to close his umbrella and gets in. Cool. Now, I gotta share an auto with this suit-clad stranger while being ready to jump out the entire ride in case he tries something funny and get drenched in the process. Mature, ain't I? But... he seems genuinely sad and to be honest, there are no autos to be seen at the moment.

Let's hope that I don't get killed today. 

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