2. Ram Kapoor from Bandra

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The driver asks for his address while they attempt to restart their auto.

Ram: "Huh? Address. Kapoor Mansion, opposite Sea Link, Bandra."

I chuckle as the driver reiterates, "Sir, I need more details. Colony, road, something?"

Ram: "Arey, it's opposite the Sea Link. In Bandra. Kapoor Mansion. What is so confusing?"

Driver: "Sir, can you give me the directions?"

Ram: "I haven't been here before, so I don't know how to get home."

I blurt before I understand what is going on, "You don't know your address, do you?"

Embarrassed, he scratches his neck and mutters a soft no.

What the hell?! Who doesn't know their address? Isn't he a successful industrialist? What if he gets lost? He's a walking ATM for thieves, for f***'s sake!

"Can you call someone who can send you the address? Or share the location?"

He promptly takes his phone out, calls someone, and puts his phone to the opposite ear. Who talks on the phone like that?

Ram: "Hello? Adi? Text me my address. Yes, my home address. And share the location, too. Yes, I'm fineee. I'm in an auto. Okay, I'll call you once I reach home. Bye!"

The driver recognises the address shown but asks additional questions for clarification to a perplexed Ram.

"Sir, give me your phone. Ram, you too."

Ram: "Why do you need my phone?"

"I'll set your location on the driver's phone so that he can follow the map. Now, phone." I extend my hand, and they promptly hand their phones to me.

Finally, the auto starts. And I had thought that it never might! I'm tired and starting to get hungry now. Searching my bag for some snacks, I realise I've forgotten to pack them today. Damn these rains and damn these never-ending crises. Urghhh. 

It's okay, Sia. Try focusing on your surroundings to divert attention from the developing hunger pangs. As I look at the massive trees and dark clouds - they're gorgeous, by the way - Ram captures my attention. He keeps bobbing his legs and is super uneasy. He takes a circular thing out. Fidget spinner? Something to calm him down? Does he have anxiety?

Oh, it's a medicine box! One second, is he going to take them without water? I grab his hand to stop him as he is about to eat one. What the f***? Who takes medicine without water?

As I realise what I've done, I look at a confused Ram staring back at me. Shit. "Umm, I'm sorry. I thought that you were taking meds without water and stopped you. Maybe it's one of those candy-like medicines. I shouldn't have assumed." 

"Don't be... because you're right. I'm nauseous and don't have water with me, so...". He trails off, looking even worse. Gosh.

"Here, take my bottle. You could've asked, you know?"

Ram: "Is this mineral water?"

"It's from my RO."

After he takes his medicine, he rests his head on the side and closes his eyes. Here is a full-grown adult who doesn't remember his address but keeps meds in his pocket and looks like a lost child more than a successful industrialist. Not someone you would think you would ever share an auto with, is he? 

We're greeted by several luxury cars as we enter the lane where Kapoor Mansion lies. Must be of the guests. How amazing it would be to drive one of these! Ugh. Stop drooling, Sia. It's not gonna happen. Ram is still asleep, unaffected by some noticeable potholes that we've encountered on the way.

Driver: "Sir, we've reached. Sir?"

I shake him a bit, "Ram, wake up. We've reached. RAM! Don't you wanna attend your sister's engagement?"

He wakes up with a jolt and starts mumbling, "Shivi, Shivi, I'm here. I'm sorry I couldn't get your shoes. Did I miss the engagement?"

Huh? Nevermind. "Shh... You were asleep. We've just reached your home. Go, everyone should be waiting for you. And why would you miss the engagement? They can't start without you, can they?"

Ram: "We've reached? How long was I asleep? Mom, Shubhu, and Shivi would've been worried. I need to get ready. Sir, can you share your account details? My friend will transfer the amount to you."

Does he need his friends for every single thing? First, the address. Now, this payment. Can he not do a single thing, or does he not want to? Whatever. He's home, so now I get to go to mine. I get out of the auto so that he can, too, and I can go home in peace.

Ram: "Uh... Excuse me. I didn't ask your name, did I?"

Does he not want to attend his sister's engagement? I was about to get in the auto, for f***'s sake!

"Why do you need my name?" Excuse me, me helping him doesn't mean we're friends!

Ram: "I just wanted to thank you for helping me get home during this heavy downpour. Come home. Attend the engagement. Today's an important day for me, and I would be glad if you could join us. Have some delicious food, have fun, and my driver will drop you home later. It's still raining heavily, so it would be better than taking that auto back home. It has already broken down once. What if it happens again?"

Turning to the driver, he says in what I'm assuming is his professional tone, "Sir, get your auto checked. What if this lady got stranded in the middle of nowhere? Who would be responsible for that? The amount has been transferred to your account. Get your auto repaired and send the bill back to my friend so I know you've done the same."

I've already helped a stranger even though I was shit-scared about my safety the entire time. What more harm could it be to attend the engagement? There's free food that I'm way too hungry to refuse, there are loads of people so I don't have to be paranoid about being killed, Twinkle has my location and is checking on me every few minutes, and I get to go back home in a fancy car and not some auto that'll break down. 

Ram insists again, "If not for you, I would've probably missed my sister's engagement. It's flooding, and it won't be right if you would have to float your way back home just because you chose to help me. I'm assuming you must be hungry because I am, you wouldn't have to worry about getting drenched or stranded, and I would be relieved that helping me didn't hurt you."

Float my way back home? So, he's teasing me while thanking me for helping him? Brave, Ram. Very brave.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you crack terrible jokes?"

He chuckles, "All the damn time. So does that mean that you're coming?"

"Isn't there a dress code or something? I mean, everyone would be dressed really fancy, whereas here I am, in my tee, jeans, and a long shrug. Not to forget the statement raincoat."

Ram: "Now, who's cracking bad jokes, huh? Do you want me to rescind the invite?"

"Hey, don't you take my free food away! I mentioned the dress code in case there was a problem. It's your sister's engagement, and I don't know how the rich operate", I shrug.

Ram: "Sir, you can leave. Remember to get your auto repaired. And... you, I still don't have your name. Come on in."


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