7. A day with Ram Kapoor

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Shivi and Akki are getting married within a month. Mom has made a longgg checklist, yet she keeps adding more to it than she checks off. I don't understand how that's possible, as Shivi's family is covering the expenses. She wants a lavish wedding, and Akki is gleefully proclaiming to be her joru ka gulaam. They're in love, and it shows. I'm happy for them. I really am. Excitement, however, is an emotion I don't experience anymore.

The wedding announcement has been a source of relief more than it has been of joy. Things had taken a really dark turn with... Even though Ram had agreed to the wedding, Shivi was scared of losing Akki and attempted suicide. Thankfully, someone saved her and called me. I still don't understand why she asked for me instead of anyone else, but I'm glad she didn't get hurt.

I had to haul her to her home since she was reluctant but solving the issue once and for all was more important. I had to ensure that she wouldn't get hurt again. Her family was worried, and her mum agreed to the wedding, but it felt... formal. Ram assured her nobody would stop her from marrying Akki, but she was still scared, so I took her home. Her mum came home the next day with the shagun ki thaali and all that jazz, which comforted her enough to return home.

 Akki: "Diiiii, where are you? Maasi wants to talk to you."

"What do you want?"

Akki: "Not me, maasi."

As I step out of my room, I find Akki, Gargi, and mom huddled in the hall. Something's definitely up with them.

"What's going on?"

Gargi: "Mum wants to talk to you. Why are you looking at us like that?"

"Because I know all of you. Your expressions tell me you're hiding something. Come on, get it out."

Gargi and Akki nudge mum to speak. Whatever it is, I'm not gonna like it.

Mum: "Sia, Ram called. He's going out for a few wedding chores and has asked me to join him."

"So? Go. What's the problem?"

Mum: "I have a million other things to do. There are numerous rasms, and we need to get stuff for Akki's room. Also, what will I do with Ram? You kids should go."

"Akki can go then. It's his wedding, after all."

Akki: "Di, maasi is getting stuff for my room. I have to go with her, don't I? Also, he's Shivi's elder brother. I can't go. You go."


Gargi: "If bhaiya is scared, then I am even younger. What will I do with Ram bhaiya? Di, you know him and his friends, no? So, you're already friends with him. Also, wedding and all is big people stuff. You go."

"How many times did y'all rehearse this?"

Akki: "A million?"

"And you just can't say no, can you?"

Mum ignores my question and asks, "So, does that mean you'll go?"

These three loons snicker. The audacity!

"Where am I supposed to go?"

Akki: "You don't have to go anywhere. He's coming to pick you up."

Gargi: "Get ready, di! You have half an hour."

I groan. I didn't even know of Ram's existence a month ago, and now he doesn't seem to leave.

Even though I procrastinate getting ready to avoid going, Gargi rushes me. That little brat enjoys annoying me, I swear. She agrees to go with mum and Akki so they can throw me out and lock the door.

Mum: "Sia, Ram's outside. Go get him."

"I'm not getting anyone. I'll find him and leave. Who knows what else you'll make me do if he comes inside."

I find him right outside the society compound in his bulky car with his shades on. Ooh, they look good! Wait, wasn't he bad at directions?

I knock on the window, "Hi!"

Ram: "Hi!"

I get in the car while he looks at me, puzzled.


Ram: "Where's aunty? I was gonna fetch her but couldn't remember where your house was."

"How did you reach here then? Weren't you bad at directions?"

Ram: "I asked Akki to share his location. You didn't answer my question!"

"Mum is busy with wedding prep and has to get stuff for Akki's room. They sent me instead."

Ram: "They?"

"Yeah, those three plotted, so they didn't have to go with you. Mum said we kids should go with you, and Akki and Gargi are scared."

Ram: "Scared? Of me? How can anyone be scared of me?!!"

"Because you're older than them."

Ram huffs, "Your siblings don't know what they're missing out on. Don't worry. I'll win them over in no time."

"Sure, Mr Charming. Can we go now?"

He checks himself out in the rear-view mirror and starts the car, "Sure!" 

Ram (hesitantly): "Sia?"


Ram: "I wanted to share something."

I cross my fingers. Spit it out already.


Ram: "Just because I'm paying for the wedding, your family doesn't have to compromise on their wishes. If there's something you all want, please tell me. Shivi can be a little stubborn sometimes. It's Akki's wedding too. He, too, might have some wishes for his wedding."


"It's chill. Akki is just glad that he's getting to marry Shivi. He has been proclaiming that he's gonna be the best joru ka gulaam ever", I chuckle.

"He doesn't seem to have any particular preference and trusts Shivi's choice. I'll still ask everyone if there's anything they need", I add.

He's relieved to hear that. And here I thought they'd be pissed Shivi is marrying into a middle-class khaandaan.

We enter a posh-looking store.

Ram: "They're the best decorators in town. Do you have something specific in mind?"

Oh, there's no denying that they're the best. This store is a work of art. No wonder his house looked gorgeous on Shivi's engagement.

Ram: "Sia? Sia? Are you listening?"

He waves his hand in front of my face.


Ram: "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. They're amazing. Every nook and corner of this place is photogenic!"

He chuckles, "Hmm, it'd make for some pretty pictures. Do you want to click some?"

Why would he ask that? Nevermind. I promised myself I'd get more pictures clicked. "Okay." 

He clicks a few, and... he's not bad. That's another thing that I don't know anything about posing.

He looks at some mood boards that are all spectacular. How is he able to choose because I'm at a loss?! He pays them, and we move about the city for other errands. A part of me dies every time he makes a payment. The amounts I earn in months, or even years, are being spent like it's nothing!

No need to be guilty, Sia. You aren't rich, and it's okay. The chores are probably almost done, and you can go home. But first, you need to eat because my stomach is rumbling with hunger.

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