11. New friends?

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He sleeps soundly while his leg hangs from the bed, and the plush lies on his chest. Hmph. I tuck him inside my blanket and fetch another one for myself. Just as I'm about to turn the lights off, his phone starts ringing. Shit. I hastily pick it up and silence the ringer. The caller ID says Jaan ♥️ and Bri's pic lights the screen up. I connect my earphones and pick up the video call.

Bri: "Sia? What are you doing with Ram's phone?"

Adi: "Where's Ram? Is he okay?"

I turn the camera towards Ram, "He's sleeping."

Bri: "Aww, he looks so cute. Send me his pic." 

Adi: "Didn't he leave for home? Where are you?"

"In my room."

They're still confused, so I give them a recap of today's events.

Bri: "I love you!"

Huh? "Bri, your husband is right next to you."

Bri: "I'm talking to you."

"What did I do? If anyone did anything, it was Ram."

Bri starts recounting, "You helped Ram get to Shivi's engagement, convinced her to return home, and helped her when she attempted suicide. Ram's family is everything to him. Most importantly, you stood up for him in front of Shashi and Vedika. They're grade-A a****les." Exhaling to calm down, she continues, "You also helped him with his shopping, managed to stop him from eating his meds and overeating even if it was once, and he's comfortable enough to sleep in your bed."

Adi: "Shashi always hurts Ram with his mean comments, and Vedika isn't a saint either. Thank you."

"I knew I was getting bad vibes from them for a reason. Also, about the rest of what you said, he probably did more for me."

Adi is glum, "People take without a single thought. The world isn't that kind."

Bri: "Exactly! Thank you for taking care of Ram. That's why I said I love you."

Adi huffs, "Baby, you've told her that you love her more times than me."

Bri messes with his hair, "Aww, I love you, hubby!"

Adi blushes, "I love you too, baby!"

Bri tries not to laugh, "Baby, I was talking to Sia."

I chuckle, "I love you too, wifey!"

Adi pouts, and Bri kisses him on the cheek.

"You two continue. I'll sleep now."

Bri: "Don't forget to send his photo. Give me your number."

Adi: "You must be tired. We'll cut the call."


Adi & Bri: "Bye!"

I click and send Ram's photo to Bri and finally go to sleep. 

I try to extend my arms to stretch, but I can't. Wait, who's in my bed? Ram? Shit. I sit and peek around him. He's holding my hand while the plush lies on the floor. Have I been spooning him? F***. I slowly try to pull my hand from under his, but he pulls it harder. What in the goddamn rom-com is going on? I need to remove my hand before he wakes up. I tickle him, which loosens his grip, and I quickly remove my hand. I can finally breathe!

I hug soft toys to sleep, yet these loons made me share my bed. Thank God he didn't wake up. I get off the bed but hit the side table and wake him up. Shit.

Ram yawns, "Tarun, why are you making so much noise in the morning?" He turns around and is surprised to see me. "Sia, what are you doing in my room?"

"It's my room."

He sits upright and looks around, "When did I fall asleep? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"As soon as you finished dinner. Right when everyone left the room. Mum forbade us from waking you up as driving late at night when tired isn't safe. Especially as you'd been out the entire day."

Ram: "Where did you sleep?"

"Right here. I just woke up.

Ram: "Did I trouble you? I'm not used to sharing my bed."

"No, not at all. I, too, ain't used to it, but we did fine."

Did fine? On what? A test? I mentally facepalm myself.

He clumsily pulls out an ice pack from under him while making weird sounds. "What's this?"

"Mum put some ice packs after you'd slept since we don't have an A.C."

Ram: "Mom must be worried. I didn't return home the entire night."

"Bri and Adi called you last night, so I told them you'd fallen asleep. I don't recall your mum calling, though."

Mum enters the room, "Good morning! Did you sleep well, Ram? You guys freshen up, and I'll heat your breakfast. It's time for my class, so Sia, help him if he needs anything and see him off when he leaves."

Ram: "It's okay. I'll freshen up at home. It's late. I need to go to work." 

"Exactly. It's late. You don't need to go home. Take my towel and use my washroom. Breakfast is ready. You can ask your staff to bring you some spare clothes at work. But if you're not comfortable and wanna go home, then it's okay."

Akki has left for gym and Gargi for college, so it's just Ram and me at breakfast. He takes two pills even though I tell him not to. It's sad. I go to see him off to his car because Mum would eat my head off if I didn't. 

Ram: "Thank you."

"For what?"

Ram: "For letting me sleep in your bed, using your washroom, and helping me save time."

"Enough. I'll die of a sugar overdose."

He chuckles, "And also for allowing me to buy you clothes, even though that was a hassle."

"I should be thanking you for that, not vice versa."

Ram: "But I only did that to thank you for saving Shivi's life."

Is this gonna go on forever?

I try to change the topic, "So, you've got a nice car."

Ram: "Do you have one?"

"My dad had one."

Ram: "I'm sorry. You can drive mine when you want."

"Go to work. Weren't you getting late?"

Ram: "Yeah, I have some meetings lined up for today. See you later, alligator!"

I chuckle, "Bye!"

Evading LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora