4. Shivina Kapoor

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The clock turns eight by the time I finish my last class. Dammit. Stretching to release the tension that has made a home in my muscles, I feel a little proud. Making your students, multiple batches of them, revise the entire year's syllabus in three weeks is no mean feat. I love my job. It's the only thing in my life that gives, after all.

I text Gargi that I'll need a nice massage when I get home. She's pretty good at them, and I deserve it, don't I? This month has been tiring. She's back home from her friend's, but it'll take her a while to get over that dirtbag. Oh, we can have a movie marathon! Hopefully, I'll be able to rest during my off.

Shit, I forgot to fetch Akki from the gym. Mum texted me to get him as he has been sulking there since 8 a.m., ignoring their pleas to return home. Why can't they do one thing on their own? Control, Sia. Control.

Just as I reach home with Akki and ring the doorbell, Mum and Gargi open the door and drop a bomb.

Mum: "Sia, Akki's ex has run away from her home and has come here."

Gargi: "Di, what will we do?"

Ugh, can I not have one day in peace? I was tired from work, yet I had to drag Akshay home. Now, before I even step inside, my entire family has gone bonkers due to another crisis. What is it with this family and problems? 



Everyone pipes down in an instant and shoots timid looks at me. They'll be the death of me, I swear.

Akki's ex: "Akki, Akki, are you home? Your family told me Sia di would bring you home. I've been waiting for you."

Who is this girl?

Akki: "Shivina? What are you doing here? You're engaged, babe. We broke up."

She comes to the door, looking for Akshay. No, no, no, no, no.

"What the bloody hell?! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!"

I do NOT have the energy for this.

Mum: "Sia, are you okay?"

"Akshay, why didn't you tell us that your ex is Shivina KAPOOR?!!"

Akki: "You know her?"

Shivi: "Of course, she knows me. I'm famous, duh!"

"Babe, I attended your engagement. I was with your brother and his friends. Tee, jeans, shrug?"

Shivi: "Ohhh, so that was you! I was wondering who was dressed so casually for my engagement. There was no bling!"

Akki: "Di, how do you know her brother, and why didn't you tell us that you attended Shivina's engagement?"

"That is not important right now. She's engaged and has run away from home. Let's focus on that."

"Shut the door. Everyone, sit. Now."

"Didn't you two break up? Didn't you get engaged? What's going on? Explain. Now."

Shivi: "Di, I ran away from home. Ram bhai was forcing me to get married. I love Akki and can't live without him."

Ram forced her? Why do I feel that something's off?

"Did you tell him that you don't want to get married because you love Akki?"

Shivi: "No. He won't listen. He'll never let us get married because Akki isn't rich."

"What do you plan on doing, then? You didn't tell him because he won't listen but got engaged and then ran away. Shouldn't the running come before the engagement?"

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