Chapter 1

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My back hurt for sitting all day in the office of the company i managed.

I scretched myself, hearing a satisfing pop, i stood up and tidied up my papers before leaving.

I said my goodbyes to the few people still here and head out.

I got in my car, that was parked outside near the building, and started driving off.

The green light shone in front of me and a yellow one to my left.

Wait, yellow?

I look to my left just in time to see the front lights of a truck and for the said truck to hit me.

I must have black out because when i regain conscience i was laying on something soft and comfortably.

I squeezed my eyes as memories poured into me.

Someone named Alexander who was only six and was the youngest of four children of a High Duke of the empire.

I frown when i reconized the name but i couldn't place my finger on it.

I moved under the covers and glance at my pale and small hands before looking around at the familiar yet unfamiliar room.

I moved my body waiting to go the bathroom and take a good look at myself, it moved almost automatically to the door on my right.

I ignored the room and went straight to the mirror.

An averged heigh boy, with silver hair, pale skin and deep blue eyes started right back at me.

I let out a sigh, the feeling that this is real finally starting to sink in as i move to take a shower.

As the warm water runs down my body, i let my mind wander into the memories i hold.

This was a lonely boy, he lived on his family mansion but no one paid much attention to him because they were always busy, the ones who did were the bulter and the maid that took care of him.

He is a quiet child, he likes to read and learn, lay on the grass of the back garden and bask in the sun while talking with the small animals there.

But with the lack of attention, the child started causing trouble, a futile attempt to grab his family attention.

When it doesn't work, he turned to magic, reserching it and learning, trying to be the best so he can make his family proud and finally have his happyness he also yearned for.

But obviously that didn't work, so when Chloe, the protagonist, showed kindness to him, he became interested in her and began to watch her from a far.

When the four capture targets started advancing on her, Alexender did the only thing he saw fit, he started messing with the families and lifes of the targets making them miserable, but in the end, Alex was the one who ended up miserable, he watched the girl he gave his heart to, unable to choose between the four men and ended up with all of them, but he wasn't there.

Alex died when he took a blow that was meant to Chloe, all he wanted on his death bed was to hear those three words, even if they didn't come from the heart, he would be fine with it, but she didn't say it, instead he said right on his face how she hates him because of what he did to her beloveds and how he just saw him as less than a friend.

He died with his heart broken.

I let out another sigh as i recall the end the villain suffered through.

Done with the shower, i grabbed a towel nearby and dried myself, letting the towel loosely hanging on my waist as i go through my clothes.

Satisfied with my choice of clothes for the day, i went out, the boy's memory guiding me to where i can find food.

Arriving at the kitchen, i sneak to the place where i know i can find something to eat.

Done eating undetected, i left and made my way to the library where i will be able to become better familiar with this world's history and magic.

I don't know how much time passed before someone found me in the library.

I was reading when a familiar voice had called my name, well, my new name.

"Young Master Alex" It took a few seconds for me to realized it was me who was being called.

I looked up from my book and glance at the man beside me, my personal bulter.

He was a tall man, with broad shoulders, he was wearing his formal bulter clothes that fit him perfectly showing off the muscules he hides under them, he has dirty blond hair and eletric blue eyes.

"What is it, Ed?" I asked, going back to the book with an ear on him.

"I was worried, young master" he said "You weren't there when i went to wake you up and i don't know if you had breakfeast already"

"I'm fine, Ed, and i did eat, so stop worrying so much" I replied, my tone annoyed but he pick up the gentleness under it.

"Very well, young master" he didn't said anything more and just stood there watching over me, waiting in case i need anything.

"Ed?" I asked, my eyes still trained on the book.


"When can i finally learn magic from a mage?" Usually a child who shows signs of magic is quickly sweep to be either an apprentice of a mage or goes to a public school that will teach him what he needs.

"Master is still searching for a suitable teacher for you, 4th young master" Ed replied.

According to this boy's memories, Alex had manifest mana for the first time a month ago, earlier than normal but still not deemed a genius, seeing as the earliest one had awaken was at the age of 3 and the latest one awaken was at the 15 with the avareged being around 7-8.

When he had awaken, the original owner's father had simply told him that it should be expected of him to do so.

I think the man either forgot about or is leaving it to the last minute to find someone somehow decent enough to teach the son of a Duke.

"While father searches for a teacher, i will learn magic by myself" I said, standing up and picking up another book, this one about basic magic and mana usadge.

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