Chapter 2

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"That's dangerours, 4th young master!" Ed reacted immediately "What if you hurt yourself, or have doubts or mess with things you shouldn't?"

I waved my hand, dissmissing his concerns.

"It doesn't matter, all I'll do is read and follow the instructions to form my first circle" I said, opening the book and scanning the text.

Ed hesitate to speak before closing his mouth and step back, ready to obey or help just in case.

My eyes traced the words on the old book, reading them carefully and doing my best to understand them.

Training magic is easy, at least in my eyes was.

The mana in the air is absorved into ones body everytime one breaths, but only by following a specific pattern will the mana remain in the body, while the mana is in the body it must be guided to one's core where it will be stored for later use.

For one to break through, it is necessary to the clear path that guides the mana to the core, the meridians, the cleaner they are, the purer the mana and the spells cast will also be stronger. As the purity of the mana increases, so will the core.

To form a cricle is the same as saying that you have reach a new level of mana purity that you can stored in your body.

It wasn't that hard to understand such thing, as a result, i put the book down and started following the breathing technique which was describe in the book.

When i opened my eyes after entering in the state of meditation required, the sun wa already high in the air.

I exhaled breath with a trace of mana, before focusing my eyes on the employee in front of me.

"4th young master, Master, Mistress and your siblings have been waiting for you to have lunch on the dinning room" Ed informed me.

"Alright" I stood up and let Ed guide me to the dinning room where seven people were already sitting and waiting for me.

At the head of the table was this body's father, Brian Heartstone, the head of the family, second only to the Emperor, someone with the highest merit in the army, with the 7th circle already completed, almost reaching the 8th.

At his left, was Sarina Heartstone, a 6th circle healer, an excellent person at gathering all kind of rumors and information about the ins amd outs of the Empire.

Beside her, is Jane Heartstone, a 14 years old alchemist with the 4th circle already formed, with the title of the youngest person passing the exam and gaining the qualifications to join the Alchemist Tower and study that art under an elder.

Beside her, is Melanie Heartstone, with only 10 year old, she has already formed her 2nd circle and she is a prodigy at building gadgets that are low on mana consumption.

Opposite, facing Sarina, was the eldest son of the family, Hunter Heartstone with 16 years he is a mage that has 5 circles on his heart. Beside being good at magic, his talent lays on his mangeing and talking skill, so the business that father had helped him settings up is generating a great net of profits that falls into the family's hands.

Next, are the twins, the eldest by 2 minutes is Ryan while the youngest is Riley. Although, they are only 15 and are only at their 4th circle, their talent lays on their sword art, already at the level of the lowest royal guard (the lowest being at professor and the highest at the border of legendary) .

And finally me, Alexander Heartstone the youngest of the family, with only 6 years, whose talents are averdged compared to my siblings.

"Greeting father, mother, eldest siblings" I imitade the formal greeting necessary, keeping my head lowered and my voice quiet.

"It took you a while to come" My father point it out "Even the twins came first, even tho they are well known for always being late" father threw a pointed look at them and the twins looked away as if it had nothing to do with them.

"Sorry, father, i was...hmm..." I fidged with my feet a little, doing my best to personificate the original boy's reaction "I was meditating, father, so... I lost track of the time" I said lowering my head slightly more.

"Oh" was his only reaction, a  finger of his started beating on the wood table "How did it go, then" he asked "Good, i presume seeing you lost the time for lunch"

My head snapped up, an excited look taking over my face, genuine exciment flowing in my body.

"It went great!" I answered "Look! I can already cast the fire-ball spell!"

To demosntrate, i snapped my finger and small fire ball of 5cm of diameter appeared floating in front of me.

"See?!" I look up at them, seeing their aprovel, like the original would.

Everyone trade slightly shocked looks, after all, it is not everydat that you see your youngest casting a 2nd soundlessy at that.

"Impressive" Mother said with a gentle smile

"You have done well" father praised with a straight face.

The siblings also took the opportunity to praise me, saying encouragement words to me. Although, they have no vale for me, i still put up a proud but emberrassed face as i was praised.

When everyone was finished, father motioned for me to sit down at the table.

I obeyed and sat down next to the twins, i started eating when everyone else did too.

Silence filled the table, occasionally father would ask a question to see his children progressed while mother and the girls would trade grossip or blackmail about their siblings in case of need.

"Alex" father called me and looked up from my food to gaze at him "Why did you get involed in magic alone?" he asked.

Ah, i was wondering when that question would be brought up.

I look back at my food and poked it with the form, before repling him.

"Father didn't give me a teacher for more than an month" I stated " and i was eager to learn." I left the rest unsaid.

"You still haven't found him a teacher?" mother asked, turing to look at him, after all, it is normal for child who had shown signs of mana to get a teacher as soon as possible.

"I have been busy lately and there hasn't been anyone suituble enought to reach our youngest" father explained himself.

"If you couldn't find one, you could have told me and i would have found one for him" she argued "What would have happened to him, if he did something worng while casting the spell? Or during meditations?" she repressed him.

If there's one thing Alex could say both worlds have in common would be the fact the wifes scolls their husbands without mercy and chance of refute.

"Don't worry, honey, I'll find one right away" father said, trying to appease his wife.

Mother huffed.

"Don't bother, i will be the one to do that"

Father opened his mouth again, but a glare from mother shut him up quickly.

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