Chapter 5

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I stood in front of the giant building that will be my school for the next 6 years of my life.

It has been 10 years since i came to this world filled with magic.

During this time, i made my best to learn about this world's history and culture to better fit in.

I learned what i could about magic, investigating and researching all i could about this mystirious power that blessed this world.

I made my self change slowly as i grew up, revealing my personality slowly and gradually so it doesn't come as a shock and abrupt that may cause suspicion.

I also raised my strength, with the beginning of the plot closer and the danger increasing, i did my best trainned from magic to weapons and hand-to-hand combat.

Basically, i did my best to prepare myself for the dangerours times i had head.

And, now, those times finally arrived.

I glanced at the building through my special sunglasses, it was one of the products of my researches on magic. It uses the mana in the air and runes to analyze everything light touches. Summarizing, it's one of those super glasses i had seen on movies, but with magic on this world, i decided to give it a try and it worked as well as many other things.

Anyways, i swep my eyes through the crowd of kids, trying to get a look at the heroine.

Althought, i have already met a 3 of the capture targets as child on social events, we didn't interacted much.

I have been keeping tabs on important people of the plot development, but that doesn't mean i have seen them in person.

And the heroine and her best friend are one of those people.

I followed the crowd to the auditorium where the first years will be given the opening speech as well as more information about how the school works.

I ignored the glances thrown at me as i made my way to the back where i chose a seat over looking most of the people present.

After the room was filled, a woman walked in the podium, attracting cat calls and wistles from the boys as she made her way to the middle of it.

"Welcome, everyone!" she said, a wide smile on her face as her voice spread through the room "It's my pleasure to see many new faces on this new school year, i hope everyone will get along well this time around too. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Yuri Wayne, head of the teachers and your magical theory teacher. I'm here to give you all a big welcome aa well as the instructions you'll need. I'm sure some of you already know this, but I'll say it anyway" her tone became more serious as she started off telling us the rules.

I turned off for most part, since i already know this from the game and from the things i have read and gather about the school.

My eyes wonder boredly around the room as she talks, trying to find anything to relieve it.

I stopped looking around and focused on a boy, he was glancing around appearing anxious as if he was looking for someone.

How cute, he looks like a lost puppy searching for his owner.

But when he turned to search the back, i immediately recognized him as one of the capture targets of the game.

The heroin's best friend, Tyler Marlin.

It seemed the plot already started and we are at the part where she gets lost and finds Nathan.

There are 5 routes you could take on the game, the individual routes where you chase only one of the targets or the one where you chase all of them.

I still don't know what route this world will take, but bases on my understanding of the game and this heroin (the real one, not the game version), it will led to harem route.

Tch, it's such a pity, he would be a good puppy.

Don't blame me for my thoughts, imagine being a teenage again and deprived of sex during 16 years, while being very sexual active as an adult. It's torture, i tell you.

I glanced away, trying my best to disperse such thoughts before i got a boner.

Tyler's Pov.

I have just arrived at the entrance of Winterday Magical School.

It was hard for me and my family gather the money necessary to take the entrance exam, thankfully, i passed and when i finally became successful, i can better take care of my family so that don't have to worry about anything.

I'm currently waiting for, Bianca, Bia for short, she's my best friend since we were little.

We have decided to enter together, but there's a dense crowd and i can't see or find her amist it.

I didn't have much of a choice, but to follow the people to auditorium.

After i found a place to seat, i resume my search for Bia, my worry that something bad had happened only worsening as she doesn't appear.

As i was searching, i suddenly felt a shiver down my spine, the hair on my body stood up and my heart rate accelerated.

Why does it feel like someone is looking at me as if i was a prey to be eaten?

I glance behind me where i felt the pair of eyes staring, my eyes passed person by person, but just i was feeling close to the owner of such eyes, a familiar voice called my name.

"Ty! Over here!"

I had just enough time to turn around and caught a body that had flew over to me.

Nathaniel's Pov

I'm on my routine walk throught the campus, being the son of the director has its perks.

I like walking her when no ones is around, it's a calm place where i can relax and not think about anything.

This time wasn't any different, but when i felt a body smash into me i knew it will be.

I look down to a girl with light brown hair, she looked up and i saw her green eyes bore into mine.

"I'm so sorry!" she said, backing away and bowing a little

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"I'm so sorry!" she said, backing away and bowing a little.

"It's okay, i wasn't looking where i was going" I consoled her.

She glance up at me, blushed and looked away before looking back at me.

"Hm... can you... guide me to where the welcoming speech is being given?" she asked, her blush deepening a little "I got lost" she admitted in a small voice.

"Of course"

A smile played on my lips subconsciously.


Author's note:

Happy New Year everyone!

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