Chapter 10

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Kyle's Pov.

I panick again and as i wanted to get out of there fast, i unknowingly cast Blink and appeared outside the locker room a few meters away from it.

I started walking back to the canteen to eat since it's lunch time already.

I sat down on an empty table, the food placed in front of me, but my mind was too much of a mess to eat.

I was so confused and emberassed about it that i didn't notice someone approching me.

"Here, you left this on the lockers" a familiar voice said.

I looked up and met clear blue eyes looking at me, a smirk on his face as he extended his hand to me that was holding something.

It was my necklace.

My eyes unconsciously travel to his hideen parts i had seen expose minutes before.

"My eyes are up here, Ky" he said.

I blushed a bit when i realized what i did and that i was caught.

"Thanks" I grabbed the necklace on his hand on put it on all the while he was looking at me.

He came closer, so much that i could feel his breath against my neck.

I was already on guard when i first saw him, but even more, my hands were twiching a little in case i need to punch him.

"My time alone is precious" he started, i was a but confused by what he meant, but caught on shortly after when the scene i saw flashes before my eyes "But i don't sahring it if i can have some fun" he added, i glances at him from the corner of my eyes and saw him smirking a but with his blue a bit darker now.

After that, he backed up and left, letting me freeing a breath i didn't know i was holding.

Alex's Pov.

I couldn't resist the urge to tease the boy a bit.

A smile play in my lips as i walk to an empty table and sat down to eat.

But while i was walking someone collied against followed by a thud and an 'auch' from the person on the ground.

I looked down at Bianca who was rubbing her waist a bit.

"Eh?" I title my head slightly, trying to pin point on how far the plot is, if there is even a plot by how I mess it up. "You alright there?" I asked, but i didn't move to help.

'Ah, i remember, we are on the second day, so it's about her spending time with the Prince after find ing him on the library'

"Ah, yes, sorry, i was watching where i was going" she said Boeing her head a bit.

"Hm hm, okay" I replied to her before going to seat down to eat.

'Should I go to the library too? I still haven't gone see what they have there and i'm curious as to how their date will go' i thought as i ate and glance at the Prince who was eating with his friends.

Having decided what to do with my free evening, i finished eating and made my way to the school's library.

It was a huge place, filled with books and i don't mind sending the rest of my day here.

I ran my finger through the books before grabbibg one that picked my interest.

With the book opened in the first page, i sat down on a nearby chair as read it.

As i got absorved in the words, time began to pass, until my attention was caught by something else.

From the corner of my eye, i saw Lulas sitting near the window with Bianca peeking over his shoulder into the book he had opened on the table.

I watched the two talk and laugh a bit, especially, the crown prince, with a small smile on his lips, his face soften, contrary to the usually rigid expression and his green eyes sparkling a bit, either due to the setting-sun or because he was happy.

My mood worse suddenly.

Before i could stop myself, i got up and walked to them, i forced smile on my face, they didn't noticed it, as i sat down in front of them.

"Hello, my Prince" I greeted him and his face turned to his usual rigid one.

"Hello, Heartstone" the Prince replied "Have you come here to ask me about the lost bet?"

"Yes, I'm actually" I said, remembering the bet that had slip my mind.

"So, what's the first favor?" eh asked, raising a brow.

"I want the two of us to go explore a dungoun i have found" I said the first thing that to my mind, which is actually true.

"Oh and why didn't you report it?" he asked.

"I did, but i bought exploration right for it" I replied.

Lukas reluctantly accepted, he ahd may paper work to deal with as well as keeping tabs on the nobles eyeing thr throne, but as it was a favour within his reach, he couldn't deny me.

I smirked.

"Great, meet me at the school's gate at 3 pm this saturday" i said.

He nodded and tuned to Bianca, clearly dissmissing me.

I contained the trace of anger i felt and left.

Lukas' Pov.

Just like Alexander had said, i went to the front gate at the agreed time.

He was already there, hands in his pockets, the latest model of the now fashionable sunglass covering his blue eyes and a relax yet still intimidating posture.

When he turn my way, he smiled and approched me.

"You're finally!" he said, a smile on his lips.

"It's not like i arrived late" I commented.

He hummed in respond and fell in step with me.

We walked out of the school perimeters, me mostly following him through the busy streets.

I had made some preparation in case he didn't have any mean of dislocation, right before leaving i placed a black mask on, covering the lower half of my face.

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