Chapter 6

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I guided the girl to the auditorium, she followed silencely and closely behind me.

As soon as we entered the room, she started looking for someone and a big smile broke out when she found who she was looking for.

She practically ran there, avoiding the people on the way, when she arrived near she screamed, making the boy turn to look at her just in time to cacth the flying body of Bianca.

"Bianca, where were you?" the boy asked as soon as they sepreated "Do you know how worry i was when u couldn't find you anywhere?" the boy looked serious, but also at verge of tears.

"I'm sorry" she said "I got lost among the crowd, but this boy here helped me. By the way, i didn't asked your name" she said, turning to look at me.

"Nathaniel" I replied.

"I'm Bianca and this is Tyler" she pointed to herself and the boy next to her.

"Nice to meet you" he said.

I just nod at him.

The atmosphere became a bit awkward, at least for them.

"How about you sit down with us?" Bianca suggested.

I nodded and sat down on a free seat and they did the same.

Alex's Pov.

After a while, a tone back the explanation that was being given, but it was quickly forgotten when, from the corner of my eye, i caught sight of the heroin's body slaming right into Tyler's arms with a boy standing behind her.

That must be Nathaniel, the director's son and one of the genius at magic.

Hmm, he looks like a kitty, cold on the outside, but would seek warm at any given opportunity, tho, he does look like a kitty that wouldn't easily submit, but i like challenges.

I shook my head.

I'm not here to get involve with the main characters, I'm only here to fulfill my duty as the son of the Duke and to learn magic, but if i can get myself a sub to satisfy me, it would be great, tho i doubt i can seeing as homesexuality on this world is almost non-existant.

I once again shook myself out of my thoughts and decided to pay attention to what is being said.

Unfortunately, the time i had spend dozing off was the necessary time for her to finish her speech.

But fortunately for me, i know that right after the speech, the students are free to explore the school ground to familiarize themselves with it and if you wish to see your dorm, all you have to do is to touch the pin you were given at the entrance and it will guide there as well as other place if you ask it.

As soon as she left the stage, conversations broke out, groups were formed and many left to go out and explored their new school.

I stayed behind waiting for the crowd to disperse before leaving and starting to look around too.

It was easy to know where nobles were, they were basically all in one groups together and due to that, they receive many glances on their away, but it was even more easy to know where the main characters were, after all, the majority of the girls were looking at them while the some of the boys were looking at the heroin.

For some reason, i don't like the crowd staring at them.

I narrowed my eyes and left before i did something i would regret.

With my glasses still on, i analized the security level of this place, searching for the weak spots i could use in case i need to leave.

It was easy to do so, even more when this glasses serve as a secondary pillar to the web i had set up on the whole city.

It was a project that took me 4 years to complete.

With a set of runes, mana stones and other matirials, i set up a replica of a network here where my glasses serve a mobile phone.

With two weak point already identified and focused my attentions on recording the layout of the school as i roamed around with hands on my pockets.

An hour later, i went to my dorm, i fell face first on the bed, i laid there for a while before starting unpacking my bags and placing my things on the right spots.

When i was done, i sat back on the bed, crossed my legs and started meditating.

I felt the flow of mana in the air getting sucked into my lungs as i breathed, i controlled it to follow the path i wanted to my core and out as i breath out the impurities my meridians had.

I don't know how much time passed, but when i opened my eyes my the moon was already out.

I got up, took a warm shower, took off my clothes and put on some pijama pants before laying down under the cover to sleep since tomorrow morning we already have lessons.

I woke up the next day and got ready for the day.

I followed the map, that was placed on my desk, until i arrived at classroom 15, where the heroin, the capture targets, villains and supporting roles were placed.

Basically, where the game plays out.

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