Chapter 11

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Alex's Pov.

"Where is this dungeon?"

Lukas asked while i guided him through the streets.

"We will be there soon" I said.

Ten minutes later we were out of the city and another ten we were in the forest in the east of the capital.

"Here" I said, gesturing to a cave in a mountain surrounded by tall trees.

The two of us entered the dungeon and slightly shiver running through our bodies to the difference in mana density.

We came out on the other side facing a snow storm, immediately we activate our mana to stop heat loss and to not freeze.

"We need to find the core and destroy it" he said unleashing his sword and glancing around vigilantly.

"I know" I replied "There!" I said pointing to the base of the mountain where i could feel the highest mana density "Come on, we have to hurry before we run into an ambush"

He nodded a d the two of us started making our way to the base of the mountain.

Along the way we had to kill a few monsters who appeared out of nowhere, they had devolep features that made them blend in with the terrian which make them be on guard all the time.

When we arrive close enough to the base we filled out bellied and took turns resting before attacking the core of the dungeon.

After Lukas told me that he was ready, the two of us made way to the center of it, swords in hand and senses all in alert, we cautiously approched it.

"Stop" I whispered when i caught sight of the boss.

Like any monster we have seen inside of this dungeon, the boss as white fur, but contrary to the others, he stood more than 3.50 meters in height, with blue glowing eyes, teeth sharp enough to easily tear through metal and largs fists strong enough to break trees in half.

"You are the faster between us" I started, my eyes never leaving the boss in case he notices us "You'll attract his attention and I'll go behind him and try to finish him off with clean hit, if it doesn't work, you attack and try to wound him, hopefully it will gives us some leeway to either kill it or form another plan"

He nodded at me and set his sight on the boss who was currently eating what resembles a cow, but all white, 2 meters in height and gray horns that are deadlier than it appear.

With cautious steps and sword in hand, Lukas approched the boss who after a few more steps noticed his presence and roared loudly.

Lukas sprinted into action, leading the boss away and exposing the monsters back to me.

The boss raised its hands and formed a fists and let them fall heavily on the place where Lukas was a splint second ago.

The ground cracked and shook a bit, but Lukas didn't fall and continued to doged and attracting the boss to himself.

With a clear path to the boss' neck, i grabbed my sword tightly and cover it with my mana, making it shine a dark blue.

I focused my eyes on the neck and calm down my breathing and heart beat, lower ing my presence the best i could.

I guided mana to sole of my feet and jumped, in 3 or so meter hight, i line up my sword with my target and let gravity do its job.

I gave a few busts to make myself fall faster bring ing a strong momentum and force to slide the boss' head cleanly.

Suddenly, as if sensing me, he turned around abruptly, but it was already to late, by the time he started to move to dodge, my sword arrived and cut it.

I fell to ground, my right knee bent while the other supported me on the ground, i stood up, flicked my wrist, getting rid of the green blood on my sword and walked to Lukas.

I took out a potion from my space ring, a gift my master gave me before leaving and gave it to him to drink.

The two of us sat down against the cave's wall, caching our breaths, althought it didn't look like much, using mana for long periods of time is taxing, especially of one's is constantly on guard and ready.

After 5 minutes of resting, we stood up started searching the place for any tresures.

Usually, a dungeon will disappear in 2 days period, that is because the mana trapped inside it slowly pours to the outside, the bigger the gate that leads to dungeon, the stonger the dungeon, the longer it will take for it to disappear.

During this time, the ecosystems inside start dying, in some rare cases, some monsters leave the dungeon to the outside causing casualties among the people.

The one we just attack ed was around E Level, the second lowest level, so such risks are low.

We spent a day and a half wandering around the dungeon collecting anything we found useful or interesting.

When the gatw became dangeroursly close to closing we left and inspected the area around, to make sure no monsters had escape and if it did to kill it before causes damage.

The two of us went back to the school, just before the gates closed.

After we said our goodbyes, we went our seperate ways, i to my dorm and him appeared to heading to the library.

As i walked to the boys' dorms, hands in my pocket and eyes glancing to darkening sky from time to time.

'When was the last time i watch the stars?' i asked my self, this was a hobby of mine when i had nothing to do, gazing into the stars and identify the ones i know of 'I know none of the stars here' i noticed absently 'Maybe i should research it for a while when i have time'

My gaze focused in front of me when i noticed someone standing there.

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