Chapter 12

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Tyler's Pov.

The week had passed without much trouble, i spent my time either studing, or trying to, practicing my  swordsmanship or hanging out with Bianca, tho i did notice she doesn't spend much time with theses days.

I understand her, she need to focus on her studies and on her magic, that's why i spent this weekend alone in my room, doing homework or meditating.

But the week was about to start and i hadn't even taking a chance to go outside and enjoy the day or night, seeing as the sky was dar when i glance at it.

I grabbed a lolipop from my desk's drawer, put in my mouth and enjoyed the orange taste it has, as i stretch myself a bit.

I hummed satisfied and head out to enjoy the night breeze and the calmness it brings.

I walked through the empty halls and streets, not having a particular destination in mind while i gaze the starts.

It was half an hour later when i decided to come back that i notice someone else out here.

It was a boy i hadn't interact with before, but he was in my class, i think his name was Alexandre.

As if sending my gaze on him, he turn around and glanced at me.

He approched me and stare at him in silence for a few seconds.

"Ah, you're the puppy who follows that girl around" he said with a snap of his finger like he had remember something just now.

"I'm not a puppy!" I protest, but i felt a tingle of shame appear, making my cheeks feel a bit hot.

"Sure thing, puppy" Alexandre said with a teasing smirk on his face, before i could protest again he continue "What are you doing here this late at night?" he asked, his tone laced with curiosity.

I ignored him.

"Oh, did i make you upset, my puppy?" he asked gently?, the 'my' didn't do u noticed by me, but i was a little bit busy looking at his gentle blue eyes, completely different of Bianca's green ones.

While hers looked like a forest, his, at the moment, looked like a calm lake.

"No, just annoyed" I replied after a moment and looking away from him.
"Hm, that's better i suppose" he said, his teasing smile back "You still didn't answer my question" he pointed.

"If you need to know, i was just taking a walk and i was coming back to dorm" I shuffled a bit with my tongue around the loli-pop that is almost finished "And you?" I asked back after a few seconds of silence.

I glance at him when i asked that and i noticed he was looking at me with a strange gaze almost like he wanted to the devore me.

I looked away, feeling my cheeks grow a bit hot from such gaze.

"I just came back from the city" he answered.

"What did you there?" I asked curious "Ah, if you wish to tell me" I added when i realized my rudeness.

He smiled a me bit.

"Nothing much, just buying somethings i needed"

An awkward silence settle in the air.

"I'll make you company to the dorms" he proposed.

I nodded in agreement before turing and start walking to the dorms.

After a little while of silence, Alexandre stirked up a conversation as we walked.

The path back to our dorms wasn't that far from where we were, so although, we got to know each other a bit, it wasn't enough to call friends, but more like acquaintances.

"Bye little puppy" he said, a teasing smile plastered on his face as he walks up stairs.

He lives on the second floor while i on the first one.

At this point, i didn't bother refute him because he would ignore me everytine i proteste and continue to call me puppy all through the conversation.

For some reason, it didn't bother me as much as i think it did.

I watched until his figure disappeared from my vision before turning the doorknob and entering my room.

Alex's Pov.

'The boy is a cutie. How would he look like when crying' the thought flashed through my mind before i shook my head and got rid of it.

The next day, i went to class, passing Tyler' seat and greeting him.

"Hey, puppy" he rolled his eyes, but a smile appear in the corner of his lips before it disappeared and he greeted me back.

Satisfied with the reaction, i went to my seat, passing by Kyle who looked away.

'It seems he is still thinking about that little show'

I smirk a bit, before finally seating down and prepare for the lesson.

When the lesson was finally over, i went to the arena to train my attacks.

Half an hour later, someone else enter the training grounds, i ignore them to focus on improving my control over my spells' strength.

It was only an hour later that i stop and went to grab some water to hydrate myself after training.

'Oh, it's Nathaniel' i thought, seeing his figure training as i drank my water.

I could see he was focus on his training and not on his surroundings, so i got an idea.

'How about i mess with him a bit?'

I smirked, before going to the locker room, after i arrived there, i took my clothes off and hopped in the shower, letting the warm water was away the sweat and dirt acumolated during my practice.

Half way done with the shower, i felt another presence arriving in the locker room.

I quickly finished my shower, grabbed a towel and wrapped it loosely around my waists, let my mermaid line show just enough to let his mind wander all over the place.

After leaving the shower, i bumped into a half naked Nathaniel, in the middle of undressing his pants.

I whistled at the hot sight i encountered, attracting his attention.

He looked up from what he was doing and caught sight of me.

He froze in shock, his eyes started to roam around my body, settling right above my dick where the mermaid line got hidden.

"Like what you see?" I asked teasing him with a small smile.

He blushed and looked away from me, trying to change himself fast, which result in him almost falling down, if i hadn't caught him, when his foot got tangled in the pants.

With an arm wrapped around his waist and the other holding behind his knee to stop him from falling, i smiled a bit when i saw him realized what posture and how close we are.

His hands were on my chest, serving as a support for him, he looked away blushing a bit more to tip of his ears.

"If you wish to seduce me, you should be prepared for the consequences" I said close to his ears, making him shiver when he felt mg hot breath in his skin.

"Let me go!" he said trying to get himself out of my arms.

"Hmm" I pretended to think, completely ignoring the strugling boy in my arms "No" I replied after a few seconds.


Hey, everybody, fist of all thanks for the views and votes, i didn't think i would hit one thousand view so quickly.

Second, i came here to tell you all that will be pausing this story until i finish my other story "Controlling", so check it out while this one is on hold.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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