Visits and Friendships

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Caitlyn POV

I woke up bright and early to go to the shop. I went to get ready in the park. I put on one of my favorite outfits and headed downtown to the pizza shop. When I got there Mrs. Peterson and Amy were all ready to go.

"Hi. My name is Amelia, but people call me Amy." Says a girl who has long brown hair and who is slightly taker than Mrs. Peterson.

"Hi." I say "I am Caitlyn Farewell ." I was starting to get the hang of telling people what my "name" was. "Nice to meet you."

"You too" she said

Mrs. Peterson then broke the awkward silence "Come on guys let's get going!"

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Danny POV

"Alright we all set?" I say as my family gets into the car. "Yep let's go" says Linda. Jack and Sean sit in the back seat of our rental car and we start to drive to UCLA. In the back of my mind in am hoping that Jack and Sean don't like a school so far away from New York. I don't feel it would be the best idea for Jack to start at NYU and then transfer to a new school after only 1 year. And I don't want Sean to like UCLA either because he is starting to apply to schools for college. Linda says we need to keep all options open for the boys, but no one in the last 3 generations have gone anywhere outside of New York.

When we got to the campus there were lots of other kids there. On the campus there are different classes that you were around to visit. Jack wanted to look into a finance class, so I let him go. Parents didn't go into the classes with the group of kids, so Linda and I took Sean to go get some ice cream.

Calia POV

When we got to the campus everything was packed.

"Alright girls!" Mrs. Peterson says cheerfully " You girls can go take the science tour, but it isn't till later this afternoon. But the finance tour is going to start soon."

"Okay!" Said Amy " Let's go" she looked at the campus map she had in her hand "it looks like the group is meeting in front of the main hall"

"Okay let's get started then"

We walked to the main hall and there were only three other kids there. The tour guide said we should get started so we can move on to other tours. There was a boy in the group, he wasn't bad looking. I actually kinda of liked him. He seemed really smart, too! When we finally got a brake and got to sit down Amy and I went and sat by him.

"Hi." I said "Um. My name is Caitlyn."

"Uh. Hi. My name is Jack" the boy said

"Hey!" I said. This situation was starting to get awkward "Are you going to go to UCLA in September?"

"No. I live on New York. I am going to go to NYU, for business and criminal justice."

"Oh cool. I want to go here for graduate school. I am going to the community college in Los Angeles. I just moved to California, so I am waiting the five years. Ya know what I mean?"

"Yeah I guess so. My parents told me I could look at this school and if I liked it enough I could transfer. But my whole family lives in New York and have never left the state for 3 generations."

"Oh. I guess you are in a tight situation then." I say with a smile "How long are yo going to be in California?"

"Uh. I acctully don't know. My dad has a temporary job here. Once his job here is complete, we can go home. Plus my mom and dad thought this would be a fun family vacation for the Summer."

"Wow. Well I guess you went all the way across the country to go on vacation! Where are you staying, in LA?"

"Yeah. My mom, my brother, and I are staying in LA and my dad's job in somewhere in Arizona, so he is staying there. He comes back and forth, to visit us. "

"If you are staying in LA there is a pizza shop on Rossmore Avenue. Its really good, according to the locals there. I actually got a job there, I am going to start Wednesday."

"That's nice I can ask my mom if we can stop by."

"Thanks! I guess I will see you there then!" Amy looked over and motioned me come over to her. I look back at Jack, and smiled an apologetic smile. "It looks like I have to go. I'll see you around! Bye!"

"Bye! I'll stop by the shop sometime this week with my family! See ya!"

"Bye!" He was a really nice boy. As I start to walk over to Amy and he turns around and says "Wait! Let me give you my phone number so we can stay in touch!"

A/N the boy in the picture for this chapter is Tony Terraciano, the boy who plays Jack on Blue Bloods

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