The Carnival

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Caitlyn POV


I dragged my cart with all my stuff into the empty room upstairs. It was one big room and had a small room blocked off that had a toilet, sink, and shower. There was a little kitchen and had a place for cabinets and a sink and a counter. It had everything you would need for basic living. It wasn't the cleanest place but I gave it a good scrubbing and it looked like new. For a gift for moving in the Peterson's bought me a big blue fluffy area rug. Mrs. Peterson said she liked it better as an apartment than a storage room. Mrs. Peterson took me shopping and said we could spend $200 on furniture. I got a couch that pulled out into a queen size bed, a floor lamp, curtains for the windows, a clothes rack, a coffee table, and a full length mirror. We got a lot of stuff at yard sales and thrift shops, so we didn't pay full price.


I was getting ready for the carnival. I put on sneakers, a (nicer) t-shirt, and jeans. I packed a little bag with a sweatshirt and about $15 for food. I am glad I have a source of income now and have a little extra spending cash.

I met Jack at the carnival around 6. He asked what I wanted to do. I liked going on rides, but my favorite was the ferris wheel. Where you were high up in the sky and you could scope out your surroundings. I asked where his brother was and he said he was back at the hotel with my mom, and that he was going to go to the fair tomorrow. I felt somewhat bad, splitting up their family and them not being able to go to the fair all together, but I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and just enjoyed the night. We went on the hang gliders and the gravitron. We ate funnel cake and burgers. I had so much fun and got a lot of time to bond with Jack. I thought it would be cool to have some fish, Jack and I played a game to win them. He actually won 2 for me. I decided to name them, Tonya and Erica, after my parents. They were somewhat close to my parents names. (Parents names were in "On the run part 2" ~EEK) Jack liked the names and complemented my name. He said he found the name "Caitlyn" to be very elegant.

Jack POV

This might have been kinda of stupid question to ask, but I wanted to keep the conversation going. "What is you middle name?"

Caitlyn POV

Crap a middle name. I didn't think to come up with a middle name for myself. So, unfortunately, I came up with the first girls name that came to mind. Abby. "Abby!" I blurted out maybe a little too loud. "Yup. Caitlyn Abby Farewell!""That's a pretty name, I like it" Jack said, probably wondering why I shout my "middle" name so loud.

That was the only weird situation I really had all night. Otherwise I had the best time with Jack, he's funny, sweet, and kind of cute. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a long time. it looked like my life was coming back around like things were going to be ok. Finally, Jack and I went on the ferris wheel. I was somewhat cold that night and there was a slight breeze, but it was great to be in the enormous wheel soaring through the air. I guess Jack saw I was cold and wrapped his arm around me. It felt good. I usually don't like people touching me but I didn't want to end this moment, I didn't really want to move. I just laid my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the rest of the ride.

I hated that we had to get off. I was so comfortable up there with him.

Jack POV

I was having a great time with Caitlyn. She was amazing and I really liked her. So I asked her a question. "Hey Kate?" I had started to call her "Kate" and she didn't seem to mind or tell me to stop so I thought it would be good to use a nickname. "Yea" she said

"Do you want to come to the fair again with me tomorrow. Just to hang out, considering that we have already done almost everything tonight."

Caitlyn POV

A chill went down my spine when Jack said "Hey Kate." I liked that he called me a nickname that no one has called me yet. Then he asked me if I would go to the fair with him again tomorrow."I would love to go, but this is your family time Jack. I don't want to intrude on that."

Jack POV

"No really" I pleaded "It's ok. I am sure my family won't mind." I hope, my mom probably won't care, but Sean won't let it go. I am going to hear about this at family dinner for the rest of my life. How I brought a girl on a date to a fair with my family.

Caitlyn POV

"Okay then, as long as your family doesn't mind. But really Jack, if they don't want me there I won't go. You have my number just call me...I won't be offended."

"Yeah, but I will be embarrassed" he said with a smile. I just smiled back. These were the kind of things Jack and I bonded over throughout the night.


Eventually, when it was time to go home, Jack said he would walk me home. I told him it wasn't necessary because then he would have to take the bus back to the hotel and that cost money, but he insisted. Jack was a true gentleman, when I told him I would pay his bus fare back he told me no. and he made a pretty sweet comment too. When I started to take out my wallet to give him bus money he said "Kate stop. Let me just do something nice for you." That made me feel great, someone actually caring for me and wanting to do something special for me.

When we got to the pizza shop, I gave Jack a hug and told him goodbye and that I would see him tomorrow.

"Remember, call me if your family doesn't want me to come, ok?" I said as he was walking to down the street to the bus station

"Alright I promise" he said "Bye!"

"See ya!" I said with a smile. Once he disappeared down the street I went I unlocked the pizza shop and went up stairs.

As I was getting into bed that night I though about the what a wonderful night I had and how I couldn't wait until tomorrow. Now at this point, I don't think I can hide it anymore, I do really like Jack.

A/N So who is ready for Jack and Caitlyn's second date? I promise I will soon bring Danny and Baez back into the story to continue the investigation, but for now I am focusing on Caitlyn. Remember Comment.Vote.Add

Until next time,


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