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A/N Ok so these next few chapters can get kind of confusing (because of all the people in this family) if you have never watched Blue as the picture I have the family tree, just so I don't have to explain the whole thing.

Caitlyn POV

I sat swirling around in my chair at my station. There were still three more days left in this two week cycle and I had already completed all three cards. My shift wasn't going to be over for another 45 minutes and Cherry would never let me leave I decide to skype Jack.

"Hey" Jack said as he popped up on my screen "What are you doing, aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"I am" I said "but there's nothing to do, I did all my cards for this cycle and new cards don't come out until tomorrow." I started to hear footsteps come my way and whispered to Jack "I got to go be right back." I quickly threw my phone in one of the desk drawers and then slouched back in my seat like I was doing before.

"What are you doing?" Cherry asked demanding

"Just hanging I guess" I responded "The new cards aren't up yet and I finished all my other ones so..." Cherry just gave a look of disappointment and ripped opened my drawer on my desk so she could get this cycles SD cards. I was afraid she might see my phone and see that I was in the middle of skyping, so I just played it cool. She just grabbed the little clear boxes and shut the desk with a bang. I don't know why she always has a be so bully.

"By the way she" She said "That's a horrible place to keep a phone" Then she just walked away. Once she was out of sight I opened up my desk drawer and carefully picked up my phone with a sigh of wasn't broken. I turned it back on and went back to Jack.

"Where did you go?" He said

"Oh, sorry about that my boss was coming," I said

"Hmm. I just heard you say you had to go then there was all this banging and darkness. "

"Oh, yeah sorry. I think we are going to have to finish this when I get home 'cause I don't want to get in trouble at work. Next month Mr. Caldour said he would move me out of the internship position, into 'D10'.

"That's great" Jack said with enthusiasm. "Call me later. K?"

"Yeah call you in like a half hour. Bye!"

"See ya!" The he hung up. I just decided to clock out and go home, there was nothing to do here anyway. I took the bus to the pharmacy and bought more hair dye. My brown roots were starting to show and I thought I should probably clean them up. So I stocked up on hair dye and got myself a snack and then walk the rest of the way home. I have a lot of homework to do for college and my new friend Stacie is coming over so we can do it together. Stacie is a fashion design major and so since we are both "the arts" we have a lot of the same classes. I am double majoring, business and photography.

When I got home I fed my fish and cleaned up a little so my apartment wasn't a mess for Stacie. Once I was all ready I skyped Jack back. We talked for a while and then I heard Stacie banging on the pizza shop door. We worked on homework for a while and then she had to get back to the dorms, since you can't get in after 11.

Danny POV

"This is great!" I said "Linda will be happy to find that we finally have a break in the case."

"Yeah. I'm sure." said Jackie. We were thinking of ways Calia could have gotten out of the city, then Jackie made the suggestion that Calia might have gotten out of the state. That's when we decide to look at security cameras in bus and train stations. The night she ran away we saw her boarding a train to Los Angeles. So we are moving the investigation headquarters to the LAPD. Now we are a little closer to solving the case, which means I am a little closer to coming home.

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