Lions, Tigers, and Bears

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Caitlyn POV

When Jack and I got to the zoo we bought tickets and went in. One of my favorite animals is a red panda, so Jack and I got water ice and just sat there and looked at them for a while. As we sat there we talked about school and our dream and wishes, and family. Kind of ironically Jack said he wants to be a detective. I tried to change the subject, not wanting any more personal questions to come up. The zoo was packed, people everywhere, crying children, and happy families. We got to the safari animals we went inside the "lion's den." It was really just a shaded place to view the lions. Then it hit me, this was the place where I pretended to be a lion with my dad, and where we pretty much made fools of our selves. "Kate?" I hear Jack say. "Oh, sorry. I guess I was daydreaming." I said when I bounced back to reality.

Eventually, the zoo got way too hot, with the sun beating down on us. So we thought we would just take the a nice stroll on the beach. It was the most romantic date ever. Just me and Jack strolling on the water, with the ocean mist in our face.

I was never big into dating in high school. I only had one boyfriend before and I didn't even want to consider him a boyfriend. He was the son of one of my dads military friends. After my dad died there was only one person left from my dads troop. So, my mom tried to set me up with that guys son. My mom thought if I had a boyfriend, I might gain some friends. It was a popular thing to have a boyfriend in high school, but that didn't work. I wasn't really interested in that sort of thing.

While Jack and I walked on the beach we held hands and strolled through the water a little. Once it started to get late I suggested we go meet up with Mrs. Reagan and Sean at the craft fair. Jack was relentless at first but then he agreed. It was only a couple blocks away, so we started off.

"Wait!" Jack said "Before we go, do you want to stop at the carnival quickly, and maybe ride the Ferris Wheel?"

"Actually, yes that sounds like a great idea." I said. I can't believe he remembered that was my favorite ride. I find that as a true gentleman.

When we got to the carnival the Ferris Wheel line was long but we were willing to wait. When it was finally our turn our "cart" that we sit in was blue.

"Hey, guess what?" I ask Jack

"What?" he says helping me get into the cart

"Blue is my favorite color!" I said with a giggle

"I didn't think you paid that close attention to detail!"

"What?! Did you think I just am some dummy?" I yelled at him pretending to be mad

"No of course not!" he said defensively "I am just saying, you pay attention to detail, you would make a good detective. " I laughed at him. "No, I am just saying we could be partners in crime."

"Oh, no." I said. What he doesn't know if I am a fugitive. "I am sticking to more relaxing work, photography. I find myself to be more artsy."

"Well, I know one thing..." he said

"Yeah, and what is that?" I said back

"There is one artsy person that I am very intrigued by." Then he did it. He kissed me! It was wonderful. His warm lips on mine and his cool hands around my waist. When we broke apart, I said "Oh, really. Anyone I would know?"

When we were walking to the craft fair we stopped a couple times and Jack gave me a couple kisses. It was weird, things for once in my life were going my way, but I wasn't going to stop and question. Jack and I were about a block away from the craft fair, Jack asked me a question.

"Hey, Kate?"

"Hmm?" I said. He was asking an awful lot of questions today.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

A/N Cliff hanger! So...comment what you want to happen to Jack and Caitlyn. If she gets too close to someone then they could find out who she is. Will she take the risk of someone finding out her identity.

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