The CAS Co.

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A/N Okay...for all of you who have been complaining....this is a long chapter, since I haven't updated in a while, buton the contrary its not edited....

Caitlyn POV

I rushed down the stairs with my bags and my new digital camera, hoping not to be late for my first day of work. I saved up to buy my own camera so I can have this internship after school. I have just started college at the Community College of Los Angeles, and after school I will go to my internship. I am only working at the pizza shop on weekends now. The internship is with CAS (Capturing American Scenery). I am going to work their probably through college and then maybe get a job there.

I grab the bus down the street and sit anxiously for 5 minutes for it to get to my stop. I walk in and see the man who interviewed me and walk up to me. "Hi. I am the new intern" there was no response "Caitlyn Farewell..." "Oh yeah, sorry." The man said. "I am Mr. Caldour." He said extending his hand. "Hi" i said "Alright, let's get to work then." He brought me over to a station, that was almost like a cubicle, it had a charging place for my camera and a mac desktop. "Ok, this is your station" Mr. Caldour said as I noticed the 10E on the the corner of my "desk" "Ok. Thanks." I said as I put down my stuff and gt out my camera. "When you are done setting up come see me in my office." He said while pointing to the big office in the corner of the building. "Um. Ok..." I said

I started to plug in my camera and I saw the direction to sign in to the computer and sign into my new company email account. I looked through the drawers in my desk. On the right there was a mini filing cabinet and on the left there were extra camera SD cards and other camera necessities. The filing cabinet was weird though, they weren't paper files they were little clear boxes. On the desk their was also a little scanner that plugged into the computer, with the 'CAS' logo on it. Once everything was set up I made my way to the big glass office. I knock on the door and then a gruff voice to say come in. As I walk in I see Mr. Caldour get up from his desk and usher me out. "Ok. I am just going to show you around and how things work around here." We walk out of his office to the big cork board that is on the wall when you walk in. On this bulletin board there were hundreds of these little cards that had a name, a location, a time period on them, and an 'available for' section...and then different letters and the word 'ALL'. "Here you find jobs that you can take, they get updated every two weeks. These clients or companies are hiring us to take pictures of scenery or events" He said pointing to the names "These are the addresses where the photography takes place, and this is the amount we were hired to work or how long the job should take." I noticed underneath all the information there was a bar code. I was assuming that's why there was a scanner on my desk. "Once you choose a job you take it over and scan it on the scanner on your desk. Once you scan it, your request for that job is sent to your superior on your team. Your are team 'E' because your desk station is '10E'. When you want a job your request is sent to your superior '1E' If your superior does not approve your request you have to put the card back and get a new it?" "Um. Yeah sounds easy enough. How many cards am I allowed to take?" I said, not sure if I was able to get all these cards done in two weeks

"Well since you are level E you can only take three. Levels E, F, G, H are all the lower levels and can take three. You will be expected to finish three cards in two weeks. If you do well enough in the next month we will move you out of an internship position to the 'D' level, then you will get paid."

"Oh. That's good. What does it take to be a superior?" I asked hopping to get a better pay

"Well a superior's job is the same as yours just they have to manege their team, complete cards, and make sure all cards are completed by the end of the two weeks. But superiors can do as many cards as they want, as long as they do at least 1. Once you are eligible for a superior job you start back down at level 'H' and work your way up, just like you are going to have to do with your position."

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