Getting through the Weekend

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Caitlyn POV

I ran back as fast I would to my hotel, bit ended up needing a cab to make it the rest of the way back. When we got within a block of the hotel the cab stopped. "I'm gonna have to let you out here." Said the cab driver "There's a whole bunch of police tape and I can't get through." "OK" I said and I paid him and got out. As I approached the police tape they were wheeling a body into the ME's (Medical Examiner) truck. I walked over to someone standing near by and asked what happened and they said someone jumped off the top of the hotel.

Now more and more police were starting to show up and I knew I had to get out before anyone saw me. I needed to get this photography shoot done tomorrow and get back to California.

Jack POV

"So she's a run away!?" I asked my dad

"Yeah, unfortunately she is." My dad said putting his coat on

"Wait! Where are you going...we need to go find her!" I yelled at my dad as he was walking towards the door

"That's what I'm doing. There was just a break in the case and I need to go investigate."

"Can I go with you?" I said while keeping my dad from shutting the door. He sighed and then said "I don't think that's the best idea." And then he left

Jackie Curatola POV

Baez and I arrived at the scene... No sign of Danny yet. We flashed our badges and ducked under the police tape and went up to the ambulance with the dead body. The coroner removed the white sheet and showed us the body. It wasn't Calia! I called Danny and told him it wasn't our runaway and not to bother coming.

Caitlyn POV

I was able to sneak past all the police and get to my room. I grabbed my stuff and checked out. I wasn't really sure where I was going to stay but I stayed in the woods for a couple months before and I could do it again.

New York was full of people and cops were everywhere, but now I know the people who are after me, I know what they look like.

Maria Baez POV

"Danny!?" I asked as I walked into the NYC policies commissioner's house, with Jackie.

"Hey" he said running down the stairs, with Frank Reagan. (NYC Police Commissioner).

"Thanks for letting us meet here." I said to Commissioner Reagan.

"No problem. I'll do anything for New York's finest." He said with a smile.

"Okay, the victim at the hotel wasn't Calia, so where is she?" Jackie asked as we sat down at the dining room table.

"I don't know, but I questioned Jack and he didn't know much about her personal life as a kid. He really wouldn't give me much information. " Danny replied

"Well, I guess we have to be gentle with Jack for a little bit, until he actually processes what is happening... " Jackie pointed out

"-but" Danny cut her off "I went through his phone and got Calia's phone number. "

"Danny you couldn't just ask him for it?" Jackie said giving me a disapproving look

"I could have but I didn't want to run the risk of him saying no." He just shrugged his shoulders and we went on talking about what we could do to find her.

Caitlyn POV

I now wish I would have kept that hotel room, especially since my company would have paid for it. It was cold in New York in November, it was a lot colder that Arizona or California. I found an ATM and withdrew a lot of cash and found the nearest motel. It was pretty cheep and I only needed it for two nights.

Once I got into my room I changed my flight out of New York for two days. After the wedding tomorrow night I am going to head out first thing Tuesday morning. (I have never heard of anyone getting married on a Monday, but hey...its New York!) I finally got all my stuff away and laid down on the bed. Of course I couldn't sleep, everything around me felt like a threat. From the the crickets chirping to people talking. I couldn't settle my mind down and mostly I was thinking about Jack. Wondering if he was part of this whole plan, if we were set up so we could meet and his dad could find me. Finally my eyes voluntarily closed and I fell into a fitful sleep.

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