SEVENTEEN. happy feelings feel so weird

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"JOSH!" AUGUST smiled, practically pouncing on Josh who laid peacefully on her bed

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"JOSH!" AUGUST smiled, practically pouncing on Josh who laid peacefully on her bed.

He let out a small grunt, grabbing her by her waist as she jumped on him.

August leg out a small laugh as she sat upon Josh waist. Her smile never fading as Josh removed one hand from her waist to rub his eye.

"Thank you for the morning surprise." He groggily said.

August had never been happier. She had everything moving in the right direction and the cherry on top just so happened to be her boyfriend, Joshua Bassett.

He'd truly made a different light spark in August and it was beautiful to see it unfold... which is why she record everything. You never knew what could happen in life.

And August wanted to document that. She'd been recording her life since the beginning of 2018. She had hours and hours of footage that she wanted to share with the world, but for now her world consisted of Angelina Reed, Olivia Rodrigo, Jacob Bertrand, and Joshua Bassett.

She'd been working with her team to get some sort of short documentary or something along those lines in Youtube, but with the success of her album in the past few week those plans changed and August had to decide if everything she put her heart into was worth going on Disney Plus or Apple TV.

She hadn't made any final plans on anything, but she did want to bring the topic up to Josh because he was in the majority of it.

She sat in front of the computer for hours with an editor to see what she wanted and didn't want in the doc. Josh and Angelina had been big parts of it and she wanted to highlight them in a special light.

Of course, this wasn't coming out anytime soon because she had to sit down and talk about different things post recordings and she wanted Josh, Angelina, Olivia, and Jacob to have their own segments where they talked about whatever and their relationship to the girl.

She already had the title of the documentary under the belt. August Gomez's Guide to Change... she'd been watching Ned's Declassified at the time, but nonetheless she liked the title and so did her team.

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