Part 9

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I had just invited h/n over to my place, we hadn't seen each other for a bit outside of school so I was really excited. I got some things ready for it, I got us some activities and all. I was doing some last-minute cleaning and then I heard the doorbell.
I ran downstairs the second I heard it still having the book I was carrying in my hand, oups. I saw him with his ____ hair and bright ____ eyes. My heart skipped a beat and I did everything not to run up to him. I waited for him by the door.
« Hey » He told me, I said hello and we went to my room, I had set up some candles and I had 2 books on my desk, the book « 2000 questions » I gave one to him and said we could eventually complete them together and one day we can switch books and see what each of us wrote.
I motioned him onto my bed and I started play-fighting with him. Fuck, I accidentally left the heater on cooling, I'm cold now 🥴 I go to my closet and all my good sweatshirts are in the wash. Fuck.
I look h/n in the eyes and I tell him I don't have any more sweatshirts and then he goes ahead and removes his one and passes it to me, « Take this » I take it and put it on, it smells just like him.
Oh, I love this, I'm still a little cold so we start cuddling and we talk about little nothings and I slip out « I love you h/n » while blushing. « I love you too » he says.
I start blushing and I look him in the eyes and I lean in.. we both close our eyes and we kiss ❤️ butterflies fill my stomach and we continue cuddling ❤️

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