Part 15

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I'm heading to school and I see h/n in recess with their wonderful hair perfectly curling around their face. I look at their eyes and see theirs already on mine. I glance away while blushing. God, I blush way too easily.
  I go to class and just daydream of them and the teacher wakes me up. "Y/n?" I reply "here!" Because of the roll call. During class, I see my crush come in and the teacher says that we will playa fun game. The game is musical chairs.
  We take chairs enough for everyone except one person. The teacher puts the music on and we start. I make sure to have a chair in front of me at all times. The music stops. I run to the nearest chair and my friends falls from it but at least I won.
  We continue playing and I am very focused. I am ready and I see my crush in front of me. The music stops and I take the first seat I find. My crush accidentally sits on me slightly and my stomach runs with butterflies. There is an empty seat next to them so I apologize and take it.
  We continue the game and me and my crush's hands brush each other every now and then.
Class ends and I go to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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