Takeo Yuudai's Beginning- Part 1

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Takeo Yuudai- 16 Years Old. Employment Status: Student.

Takeo Yuudai is a Japanese highschooler from a small town in the Tottori Prefecture of Japan, his hair is a murky blue colour of medium length, it is often quite unkempt, with the messy locks of which often lapping over each other to form tight bonds. His eyes are a deep red colour which he got from his father, a scarlet in which could only be reflected by that of a blood moon. Takeo is often described by those around him as having low tolerance for small, annoying things or people. However he is very well composed and rarely shows any extreme emotion.His discontent and strong levels of composure can easily be channelled into anger or a burning passion to further fulfil his goals.

His goal for life is to unravel the secrets of the corrupt government and find his father. If the government had been anywhere near as corrupt as they are today, then maybe the warriors of the historical tale were the heroes and they were just trying to do the right thing and use their powers irresponsibly to teach the government a lesson. A form of weird psychology in which the witches caused more damage to guilt trip the government and make them feel worse about their actions, thus highlighting the immoral intent of the ways they treated people signifying that change was needed.

Takeo had learnt further of their corrupt ways as he grew up in a government funded household; his father served them for 20 years. One such example of this corrupt behaviour could only be described as disappearances under mysterious circumstances- his neighbours and childhood friends, not to mention other draws to their behaviour such as constant rising taxes and loan sharks hanging around his street. The Loan sharks feed off of the poor, making deals and sealing fates. One day he hoped to take the government out of power and rebuild Japan safely from the ground up, collecting the ancient items of the warriors that were sealed releasing them from the hexium prisons described in the government tale. If Takeo collected the items, the government could not have them, and if they were out of the government's hands they were definitely safer. Who knows what damage they could do with any of them in their possession. He could use the spirits to free the world, using their powers to help the country's rebirth, and develop into a stronger nation that it was under the current government's rule.

The government hopes to bless the world with runes. And whilst runes can develop on their own at any time, some people want them from the beginning, people who are jealous of colleagues and friends, who in fact already had such powers. The world is run by these runes, private schools were set up for the supernatural, those kids usually went on to join the army or be a part of the government in some capacity, whereas public schools have a single dedicated subject indicating the use of runes. It was like a law subject, just really focused on making sure people don't oppose government regimes.

The normal people of society usually use the runes to benefit the mundane normal lifestyle, lighting fires in the winter, growing crops faster in the spring or maintaining a small business. Some have more unusual powers, powers they use for their own free will, usually teenagers who challenge each other to stupid duels. However, some are irresponsible with the power and end up in supermax hexium based prison facilities where the powers are stripped away. Every year, hopeful individuals of all ages enter government state buildings to see if they have awakened the power of a rune yet. Older people tend not to go as they have given up hope of getting one.

Through a trial, individuals can hope to gain access to this mystical power. Takeo knew he had to go, especially if he wanted to pursue his fathers disappearance and find his father, but he refused to go alone. After some thought he knew the one person he could trust, his classmate and "friend"  and “friend” Keisuke Chibana. Keisuke was the Class representative for his class and supported everyone know matter what. Keisuke was also the only other person in the year not to have awakened her powers naturally. She was always being used and pushed around because she couldn't stand up for herself against the groups of students who did in fact have powers.

The Pair both went to the prestigious Tottori High. The biggest private school, with the most unoriginal name in the Tottori Prefecture. It was obviously designed for rune bearers. Takeo got in through his blood relations, however, and Keisuke through her incredible mental talent, she had proven to be incredibly smart.

After school, Takeo caught up to Keisuke on his skateboard. This skateboard was Takeo's sole means of transportation and he took it everywhere with him. He even rode it in the school hallways. Keisuke was sat on a bench in the school courtyard and had her nose buried deep in some revision guide as per usual.

“Keisuke, hold up. I want you to come with me to the Tottori Outpost.”

“Takeo, I was meaning to go by myself, I was always curious if I too could be blessed with a power in a more unnatural way, maybe then I could stand up to those who look down on me."

“That was easier than I anticipated.”

"Were you expecting me to come up with a pros and cons list, Takeo? Honestly, I don't have to overthink everything. Wait. Now I am overthinking it. Wait. What if it's not safe? What if I die? What if the method to awaken runes is just torture?"

Takeo slapped his pink haired companion and snapped her out of her mental stockpile.

"Ugh, Thanks, I get a bit too far down the rabbit hole sometimes. Shall we go?"


And with that the pair made their way to the government centre located in the centre of Tottori, and whilst Takeo lived in a town on the outskirts of the big city, his mother knew where he was, as he spent most of his time in central Tottori anyways. So she didn't worry about her son when on some days he wouldn't get home til the sun began to set.

Runecraft Volume 1: Takeo's Beginning [12.4k Words]Where stories live. Discover now