The Real Journey Begins!

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Keisuke slowly opened her eyes. She adjusted to the light in the room.
“Huh? Where am i? How long was I out for?”

“Roughly 32 hours”

“Holy- where are we?”
“Tottori Outpost backrooms, we gotta go.”

“Yeah, we should, my mother has probably called the police a billion times by now. Waait- is that the Trial Runner Asahi?”

“Yeah….he pissed me off…so i killed him. Just a heads up the other two are dead as well.
I killed them as well”

“Oh-k then”

“Just so you know and I'm sure you’ve probably guessed, the government isn't to be trusted, they are corrupt as corrupt can be. Do you want to help me stop them?”

Obviously! These fouchebags just kept me captive for around a day and a half, of course i don’t want them in power.
The pair left the Outpost, reassured that the rest of the candidates would find their way out.

On the way home, they stopped at Takeo’s house to retrieve Keisuke’s Phone, then told Takeo’s mother that he will not be returning home. He explained the events of what happened at the government facility in a lesser amount of detail and explained how it wasnt safe for him to stay around Tottori anymore. He had to stay on the move, this was the only way he wouldn't be caught whilst still advancing his goal of taking this government out once and for all.

They went to Keisuke’s House to tell her Parents the same.

After all that, they set off. What secrets lay ahead? What dangers? Their mission to take these ruthless powers out of commission begins today.

Runecraft Volume 1: Takeo's Beginning [12.4k Words]Where stories live. Discover now