The Corrupt Government-Part 1

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Meanwhile at the Central Headquarters in {???},

“Amber Alert, we have lost contact with Tottori Outpost. Send this to The Five immediately.”
[Response Received] “Send an agent to look at it.”

Agent 251-B at the scene….

I pronounce Trial Runners Chikao Tsuneo, Ahmya Kaneko and Asahi Kamiyama dead at the scene. The damage that has been done is no result of anything but the biggest threat to our agency, The Matter Control Rune has resurfaced, it appears Yusei Masaki has passed his power on and died. “Unloading security footage onto a USB. “

Agent 251-B reporting again,
“Agents WS51-C, BN-1XA and PK-23F Found dead in a nearby alley, damage to the head and loose glass shards scattered around. The new successor seems to be a stone cold killer.”

“Returning to Base”

Agent 251-B returned to base, USB intact. Footage was sent to The Five for examination.

The Five are a group of elites sitting just below the President. They sit at a curved table made of birch wood. The desk is elevated and sits about 15ft off of the ground, creating a level of intimidation to those who enter their room.

Not much is known about them, in fact very few had seen them. The President had been seen more than his own cabinet.  He seemed to announce everything, even information that his cabinet would usually announce, like new transport laws that were usually revealed by the Minister of Transport.

The footage flashed up on a large holograph screen in front of the desk, the footage began to play. The low quality footage pictured Takeo committing all the crimes he should be held accountable for. The assault and the murder, and the freeing of state prisoners.

The board remained in silence for a lot of the footage, until one of the cameras that was rolling caught a better shot of who the government perpetrator was.

A figure shrouded in darkness spoke up from the 4th seat along:

“So that’s who we are dealing with. Hello Takeo, my son.

Runecraft Volume 1: Takeo's Beginning [12.4k Words]Where stories live. Discover now