Takeo Yuudai's Beginning- Part 6

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My name is Yusei Masaki, i was very much a normal child, my father worked for a construction company and my mother was a Florist. My father used to tell me a tale of four Warriors who rebelled with newfound powers. I'm sure you have been told. The Part not written in that tale is the part about the government. The truth about them at least.  As you saw a moment ago, they are very corrupt. In 1692, it started as a board of governors, 7 individuals, they all sought after the four witches powers, they kidnapped the user of the practical Rune, the woman of the group in order to lure chaos, lifeline and the telepath into a trap, they had found an old method of extraction that allowed them to kill witches with ease. It would also allow them to take the power of witches and banish it. However they did not seek to banish it but to contain it. After a long time, they finally managed to capture Chaos and take his power.  They were all shortly killed afterwards. The governors, that is. or so Chaos thought, one escaped, he left the village and regrouped, forming the government you know today, the president now is from a long lineage of extremist political party leaders, all of which were hellbent on getting rid of runes. He still offers them out as he is legally required to for two years into a single term, that's when they can make changes. The 2 year mark is coming up soon. Soon Santori the bastard will execute plans to start getting rid of runes, something that helps livelihoods.

Where do i play into this?

I am a Rune Bearer. My mark is not known to many, I bear the Matter Control Rune, it has been passed down my family for years, I am a descendent of Mr Hexium from the tale. His real name was Kiyoshi Masaki. Chaos still had a little bit of his power when he possessed Kiyoshi and now I carry that too. Matter Control is a mutated form of Chaos' original powers. I can only destroy inorganic matter without him controlling me though, however I believe he is trapped in the hexium seal object. I am wanted by the government as well, for that reason, they want to extract this remainder of power and fuse it into the object which they guard. The Pendant of Chaos. They seized it from Kiyoshi's body on his deathbed, claiming it as property of the government. My family has never made it close to destroying them though as they had never managed to awaken the rune until most of them were my age, the initiation process is a new thing that has only been about 6 years. I’ve been on the run for years, once they discover you, they take everything. They only got me today because I foolishly lured them here. I thought I'd actually attempt to do something. I thought a smaller place would be easier to start with, but I was wrong, they outnumbered me. I'm far too weak to achieve what I and those before me came here to do, and I'm incapable of having children.

So i want to pass my power to you, young man. You have shown great courage, wisdom strategy and power. I believe you are the key going forward. Show those bastards how its done, get to the top and kill whoever is running the sick organisation, as soon as you display these powers they will mark you as a threat and try everything to stop you reaching the kingpin.“

Yusei gripped the knuckles on Takeo’s right hand with the remaining strength he had, and purple energy began to flow through it. That move became his checkmate. The last of the energy drained from his body. His eyes fell shut. And his body turned cold and grey, a lifeless husk of what it had been 30 seconds prior.

Takeo felt overwhelmed with this new power, he had no idea what it could do, Yusei didn't specify.
However, Takeo knew how to activate a rune, while he waited in that room underground he watched people activate theirs for the first time.

He just had to focus his energy on awakening his powers, to adapt his body to them. He stood at the end of the alley and closed his eyes, in his mind he focused on an image that was forming, a small purple flame, as he focused on it, it grew larger.
He clenched his fist. It began to glow a bright purple.
The rune had formed.on his hand. A backwards ‘S’ shape rotated 90 degrees with two dots floating on either side of it. He now knew what he had to do. He remembered everything he had been told by Yusei, Asahi and his father. Matter Control, the evolved variant of Chaos, a power so dangerous it seeks a path of righteousness nearly on its own, it guides the bearer on the path their heart desires most, that path for Takeo was truly finding out what happened to his father. The government were an obstacle he just had to overcome

He felt the power flow through his body, he felt no limits. He felt strong. It was time, time to save Keisuke and slay the three law-benders behind this recruitment scheme, the ones who made her disappear before his very eyes.

Runecraft Volume 1: Takeo's Beginning [12.4k Words]Where stories live. Discover now