Breaking and Re-entering

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Takeo deactivated the power, shutting it down. He felt fatigue reach his body, it was immense, his wrist was in debilitating pain. This power was going to take a lot to manage.
Before he could save Keisuke, he needed to rest. He ran home as fast as possible, backtracking on the path he and Keisuke took yesterday. He got home and acknowledged his mothers presence as he always would. He headed up the stairs to his room. It was grey. Stone grey had to be his favourite colour. The room was rectangular, the wall opposite the door was one of the two longer sides, it was a stone grey brick wall with a dark creme mortar. The other 3 walls were just painted but the same colour nonetheless. He had silver birch laminate flooring and his bed was black. He had a chest of singular draws in which he placed Keisuke's phone in. Takeo collapsed onto the bed, his energy had been completely drained. He closed his eyes and let himself drift off. This is where he met the world of dreams or so he thought.

Hours into his dream, he was awoken but only in his head, almost like a lucid dream, except everything was very real, he was awoken by a voice. It was sort of insane sounding, like the villain from the superhero shows he used to watch when he was younger. It echoed louder.

"Oh ho, hello. Welcome! I see the powers have connected to you well."

"Oh what the hell is this? Am I dreaming? Takeo beckoned at this mysterious voice

"Oh hehehehe, you are not dreaming, this is the spirit realm, only accessible to those who have awakened an ancient power. My name is Chaos. Hahaha!"

"No chance! I wouldn't believe this in a million years, that old guy said you were in the pendant"

"Oh dear Takeo, believe it! Because I am! I am one with you now! Haha! Your head is much nicer than that old man's haha! Hence why I didn't talk to him like I am to you, haha. His mind was dark and crowded, eh heh."

"Stop playing games, show yourself before i get pissed"

"Oh ok ok, ok, fine, i will haha"

Something formed before Takeo, it was human, the man had skin the shade of what could only be described as deathly, a miserable grey-white, as if the soul had been sucked from his body. His eyes gleamed an amber colour, a lighter more yellow shade of honey. The body was muscular but slim like Takeo's. The figment had hair that transitioned from white to black, it could be described almost as Salt and Pepper. It was mostly flat but had a small wave-like shape on the right side.

"How am I here? And why am i talking to you? We aren't related."

"You are....a special case. I live inside the power in spirit. When I died, my soul conjoined itself to my power. So now I can speak to you whenever I feel like it. All I have to do is get inside your head.

Also I am able to possess your vessel in times of danger haha"

"Good grief, why would I want you to do that? Your powers are plenty enough for me to do what needs to be done, now will you let me return? I have to go save my classmate."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fine. I'll let you go, you just need to wake up, eh heh! Just remember I'm always here, always watching, always listening.

Takeo watched as the area around him faded away. His vision went black, he stopped hearing chaos and he drifted back into sleep.

The evening drew in, having now recovered from being flung from the building, he got up. Takeo changed into a black shirt with some grey jeans. Keisuke was still missing; that was Takeo's primary objective for now, to find her. His new powers were strange, alienating almost. He just needed to find out where they were being held in the facility, somehow that weird pink haired freak had teleported them. He decided to head to the government site, He got outside and hid behind a corner, observing the outpost. Replacement guards had been ordered after Takeo brutally wounded the 3 yesterday. All of the guards looked weirdly identical this time, all of them bald with no facial hair, and wearing sunglasses. He knew what he had to do next.

He walked out from behind the corner and he moved towards the front of the centre. Takeo raised his arm in the air fist clenched. He activated his power. This caught the attention of the guards and they immediately became hostile. It was time to put these powers through a test drive.

Chaos' insane voice beckoned through his head as Takeo ran.

"Hello Takeo, haha. I'm guessing you dont even know what I can do. Well, I'll tell you. One of my powers was given to you in the tale of me and my comrades. The power to change the state of objects haha. I evaporated 4 villages worth of Authoritarianism with this, you know?

My other powers include being able to add and remove space between objects or change the size of them haha. Well, that's what I discovered at least. you might find more. I should warn you though, without me in control, you can only destroy inorganic matter. And until you get stronger, this is the only power of mine you can use, eh-heh.

Takeo ran seemingly towards the guards who proceeded to attempt melee attacks to neutralise the young threat. However, Takeo skimmed around these very obvious and futile attacks such as a gut punch, and a roundhouse kick. He continued to dodge the attacks until he reached the very thing that he was running for, his skateboard. He'd left it by the side of the building yesterday before entering.

He picked it up and started running back towards the guards, slamming it to the floor and jumping on it. He rode it straight into the ankles of the guard closest to him, toppling him over. He jumped off again and pivoted with the skateboard in hand. Turning around, he smashed the wooden board into the other guard's face using the side that Takeo usually stood on. The rough grey side that was covered in the grip that kept him on the board, this scratched his face, and he fell to the floor concussed.

The last guard fired shots at Takeo, quickly he put up the skateboard to block it. The bullets, however, went straight through, grazing the side of Takeo's face. Using his powers, Takeo repaired the skateboard, solidifying the holes in the skateboard with a single touch. The guard began reloading his gun, and Takeo used this as an opportunity to take him out. He slid the skateboard along the floor, which distracted the guard enough so he would evade it, however as he was now focused on the skateboard, this gave Takeo an opening. He ran towards the guard and delivered a fierce uppercut to the man's jaw.

This punch reminded Takeo of the day he learnt to fight for real. His upbringing was rough and he was never really around his parents. Often he would be in fights with other people his age, sometimes those older. The older guys he fought were usually aggressive drunks, the ones who harass others because the alcohol clouded their ability to be sensible. Often he was brought home by the police, his parents weren't so bothered, especially when it became frequent. His father enrolled him in combat lessons at a local dojo in Tottori, a mixed martial arts dojo that taught Takeo how to fight in many different styles. Over the course of 18 months, he learnt the individual styles of Karate, Jiu Jitsu and Judo and how they differ from each other.

Returning from his moment of deep reflection and having defeated the three guards, he made his way inside, as he got closer to the reception desk, he launched the skateboard at the receptionist and made his way down the stairs to the room where he had been flung from previously.

Now that the first batch of security was out of the way, Takeo burst through the door with no hesitation. He dashed through the stupidly narrated mind games and into the blank, empty room. No one was there, no life, no furniture, even the awakening circle had disappeared. It was truly empty like a blank canvas waiting to be filled.. A voice radiated round the room, it was Asahi.

"Huh, look at what pathetic rat crawled his way back in here. How exactly did you manage that? You powerless freak, are you trying to save that little girlfriend of yours? You are outnumbered 3 to 1. Go Home."

"Stop taunting and get down here you heartless homosexual. I'm not powerless anymore."
He showed the rune to a flashing thing in the top corner of the room.

"Am I meant to know what that is?" Asahi responded

"Wow, you are really uneducated now aren't you? You should pay attention more in briefings. What if I said the words Matter Control?"

Oh Shi- Chikao, Ahmya, get down there, it's time to stop this kid. The President needs the remnants of that power.

Runecraft Volume 1: Takeo's Beginning [12.4k Words]Where stories live. Discover now