Chikao and Ahmya- Part 2

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Ahmya walked classily into the room, it was a slow pace but it seemed fancy due to wearing heels. Her oversized blazer covered her hands.
“So uh, what do we have here? A Hero? How pathetic…i guess. “

Chikao turned to her. “Don’t just stand there, use your powers and help me.”
Takeo had become surrounded, he lept towards the current biggest threat- Chikao. He engaged in a duel that could only be described as cinematic. Takeo threw a barrage of punches, power engaged. An onslaught of words countered it. It wasn’t English this time, it was in Japanese. For every punch, Takeo heard the word dodge. It was constant. No break in between. “Dodge-Dodge-Dodge-Dodge.”
Takeo only needed to get one hit to reduce this lamppost to an unconscious wreck, his frame alone suggested he was physically weak.

However, the battle was revving up. Ahmya finally joined in the fight and it was looking dangerous. Her hand was no longer hidden inside her blazer, the rune she displayed was pink and rather spiky. The Spike Rune, a person who awakens this rune can create deadly spikes of any length, however they are released from the hand at high speeds, heavy metal darts causing damage to the users hand. Ahmya’s hands were scarred where she had used her power. Takeo now had to multitask. His primary objective was to deal with Dr. Drama but he also had to avoid the metal massacre makers.

Engaged in his battle, he continued to endure the vocal parry, Soon he heard multiple spikes fly past his head. One did make contact, and it became lodged within his left shoulder. Another set of attacks flew towards him. He managed to rotate his now airborne fight to avoid it. Eventually, Takeo could hear something noticeable in Chikao, he was slowing down, his voice was growing tired. He just had to last slightly longer. The speed of his punches was a blur. During this time, waves upon waves of spikes were launched towards the pair. Takeo could feel the energy drain from his body as he endured hits and used his power at the same time.

Soon Chikao fell silent, this was opening. Takeo took this opportunity to kick Chikao, this kick was reinforced by the power of Matter control. Chikao flew across the room almost as fast as the spikes were launched. His blazer increased in size by at least 100x, it was almost as large as two king sized beds. Takeo ran towards the now floored Chikao. Spike lodged in his shoulder. He slowed as he got closer, the pain became slowly unbearable. He ripped the spike from his shoulder, blood spurting from it like a fountain. He lifted it above his head and with driving force he launched it towards Chikao. Straight through the eye.

He pushed it through the eye and upwards, entering the vicinity of his brain. He felt another wave of spikes heading his way, this wave felt faster and more aggressive. Takeo picked chikao up by the collar and used him as a human shield. The spikes dug into his body, blood shot upwards in multiple places. He looked like a confetti cannon of blood. Takeo had not come out of this battle unscathed, Chikao had managed to land two solid hits on him while proceeding to dodge. One above the eye and one in the chest. The one in the chest had affected his breathing, draining more energy.

Takeo dropped the now human stake and ran towards Ahmya, she rapidly began to fire shorter, smaller and more dangerous spikes towards him. He had learnt a few tactics from the endurance test that Chikao called a battle. He sent himself sliding into Ahmya, taking her out at the feet. She fell towards him as he lost the speed of his slide. Using the palm of his hand he liquidated her face. Changing its state from solid. She stumbled backwards in pain. He got up off of the floor and began rapidly punching her. His fists began illuminating a neon purple. His momentum was building up as liquified multiple more body parts including stomach, legs and arms. Soon she was no more than a pool of melted flesh.

Meanwhile in the Security Room….

Asahi had just watched his two closest coworkers get massacred, his blood boiling at the death of his beloved. Chikao was his primary motivation. Now he wanted revenge.
“As the saying goes, if you want something done you gotta do it yourself”

He thundered out of the Security Office. Anger filled his eyes, they became the colour of his rune as he activated it. Neon Blue. His pupils had completely been filtered out. It was time for him to kill Takeo Yuudai once and for all.

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