The Mother's Secret

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Back at Takeo's house, his mother sat at the table in their kitchen, clenching a half empty cup of coffee. She began narrating to herself as if she were conversing with someone but the truth still remained, the room was empty.

“Takeo, I know we’ll see each other again. My over protective nature was a ruse, i know you didn't need it, but the world was too dangerous to let you go out searching for your father. The government knows I'm searching for him, I've not ever stopped, I just didn’t want them getting to you, taking you too.

I suppose I should get ready, now you’ve fled town, it's time for me to do so too. It's time to show this government what a countryside widow is actually capable of.”

She pulled up the hair which covered the right side of her face. Grinning with a face that could only be described as psychotic, she revealed her rune, a neon black rune which caressed the side of her face, in the shape of a spider’s web.

Getting up from her seat, she went upstairs and into her room, she opened her wardrobe and moved the racks of clothes out of the way. Behind the racks of clothing, leaning against the back wall of the wardrobe was a staff. She grabbed it and spun it around, her skill hadnt withered as a result of her dormancy. Condensing it down, she then attached it to one of the belt loops on her trousers.  

She then grabbed nothing but a small bag, and she flung it over her shoulder. Having everything she needed, she hopped straight out of the window.

Now off of the property, she reached into the bag and grabbed an Earpiece.
She attached it and turned it on.

"General Yoshizumi, this is Silk Dancer, i have a feeling that rebellion isnt too far away, be prepared. Takeo has started searching for his father.

Runecraft Volume 1: Takeo's Beginning [12.4k Words]Where stories live. Discover now